I was read this topic carefully, and imho many users can not understand
restrictions of any game constructor.
Hey, look, many favourite and profitable games was made with fewer resources. Look at "Angry Birds" or "Worms!". You definitely can do same things by using Construct-2. For example it's possible even in GM (like this gamemaker.io/en/news/27). Construct-2 is definitely better even now, in beta stage.
You can create a masterpiece even with good 2D graph.
But why so many people try to make new MMORPG or another big projects without any small but look professional games in portfolio?
I remember 199x years, with Atari and ZX-Spectrum, when we had only 48k RAM and people do great games on ASM or C.
Why are you talking about Steam? Steam publishing required professionally made games. Even games on Steam made in Torque or another engine (not constructor!) was polished by "hands" with editing engine source code and etc.
Construct-2 is great thing to TEST your ideas. It perfect way to make your portfolio for future presentations (your projects or yourself as game designer). Without small but successful project *no one* will be talk with you about publishing on Steam or in any another serious place.
With Construct you can test your gameplay ideas. You can make simple presentation of future project for your dev team or investors. You can learn/develop some skills needed to build bigger and more complex games.
but if you want to make 1Gb RPG...correct me, if I wrong, but I am sure you need to lear C++ or C# and start using something from XNA framework to UDK SDK.
p.s. Our industry (game dev) need more good ideas, not programmers. We have *many* talented programmers, but we have only 1 or 2 really attractive gameplay ideas per year. This is why people sometimes play in 10+ years old games like Diablo-1 or "Little Big Adventure". This is why sites like gog.com/en are still profitable.
Come on, people still download and play on ZX-Spectrum emulators with 256 colors games!
Any user can made a new MOD on CryENGINE-3. But make a talented text MUD is MUCH harder