I'm glad you liked it. I'm planning on making more content soon
Maybe one day yeah, I don't have much time atm.
That's because new projects use the C3 runtime and this addon is only for the legacy C2 runtime.
If you switch to the c2 runtime you'll see it in the list
Thanks for reading it :)
Thank you for reading this very long post :D. I'm glad it made you question your coding ethics! I genuinely think that if we manage to develop good standards for Construct coding, we'll grow much more and we'll have a lot less issues with poorly optimized code being blamed on the engine :).
Step 1) Create a sprite with all the slices as frames
Step 2) Add the behavior
Step 3) Make sure you have enough slices or that your resolution isn't too high to see the effect
Step 4) Hit preview
Step 5) Now that it works you can do anything on the initial sprite by picking them using the Is Master condition and do anything on the now created slices by inverting that condition. You can also get the Slice ID of a sprite if you want to do Z ordering (Order every sliced object by sliceID and you'll get a nice Z order effect, and you only need to do that once)
Thanks, please tell me if you have any feedback after using it for a while :D
I can't really see how I'll be able to do a shadow effect for this given how the 3D works, sorry.
True indeed. It would be a bit harder to implement editorwise without making a mess, but it would be a nice feature indeed.
Ah damn this is very weird, have you tried deleting the cache in Firefox, because this should absolutely not happen.
Drag and drop the c2addon file on the editor
Well, all world objects have image points. At least one, the hotspot.
You can already define a collision using X and Y offset from the hotspot and angle.
Multiple collisions per behavior would just make the behavior a lot harder to use and to maintain and would probably cause a few bugs in the process. Keeping it simple helps avoid these issues.
And even though I named it collision box, given that it actually uses a sprite for collision, it can be any collision polygon a sprite allows for. So anything that isn't a circle.
Uhhhhhh what?
This doesn't belong here. And spy services are illegal in most countries. Could you delete this and go away?
You're welcome!
Thanks :)
Member since 3 Aug, 2015
Sometimes I do some cool stuff in Construct. Sometimes I like to talk about it.