sorry for the late, i just stomp to this post today, you still need to know how to make an abrupt screen transition like i did on my test project, or level transition?
the next time you need some help, say the kind/type of game you are making and put some examples(games that have the same mechanic), because you can mimic pretty much anything with events, you just need to think "event-wise". the nice of construct 2 is this intuitive approach.
this is the explanation i did for
harrio back in the day:
<img src="" border="0" />
the scene switch are just <font color=red>red squares objects</font> with the same screen size (side by side) and i'm using the event: when Player is overlapping Square>system-scroll to(Square.imagepointX(0), Square.imagepointY(0)
the logic here is simple, while the character is overlapping the red square object, the screen will be stopped in the Origin of the red square object(the middle of the object)
so, i just did this event 1 time for the red square object, and now i can copy the square object every time i need other screen, no need to remake the event. this must not be the best way to make this, but is very simple and i understand how it works... a little; i dont know if it have any perfomance issue but it works for me.