Hi all,
I've sent my App for kids to Apple for reviewing but it was rejected for publishing. The App includes advertisements (using the Crandberry Cordova Plugin for AdMob) and Apple indicates that the App should implement a "Parental Gate" to prevent children can click on the publicity and therefore they are allow to browse external content to the App (like websites or other ads content).
I know how to implement some "Parental Gate" or control mechanism to prevent this access by the kids: i.e. typical mathematical expression that only adults can solve. But my problem is a little bit different, I would need to know how to detect when the user (kid) have clicked on the Ads and so show them the "Parental Gate" and depending on the response (right or wrong) allowing or avoiding the access to the content of the advertisement.
Step-by-step sequence:
1.- The kid click on the advertisement.
2.- The App show him/her the question with the mathematical problem ("parental gate")
3.- If a valid answer is entered, the access to the advertisement is allowed. Otherwise, the app blocks the access to the advertisement, it is not shown and the app returns to the previous screen before clicking the ads.
Could anyone provide me any idea on how to implement this?
Do you
Ashley /
cranberry have any idea how to manage this?
Thanks so much!