dinamicplay's Forum Posts

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  • Understood.

    Just one doubt we still have, in C2 when the user click on an advertisement based on the Admob standard plugin, the content of the advertisement is opened inmediatelly and no condition can be put to between click and opening advertisement to control whether can be opened or not.

    For a "normal" url with our own promotion there is no problem.

    For ads, I think that the gate should be shown to the user before they click over any advertisement but in case they don't pass the gate, no ads will be shown at all from that moment.

  • Thanks a lot blackhornet!!

    We had the same requeriments as you also with links to own sites.

    As far as I understand, You show the gate once in the App at the beginning and from that point, depending on the response of the user, the rest of session, you'll show or not the advertisements. I mean, once ads are approved by the parents, ads will be shown all the time until the next execution of the App.

    Is this right?

  • I have kids and they sometimes want to see advertisements about the new animation movie for kids, toys based on animated cartoon or other mobile games designed specially for them. This action always should be previously approved by their parents with a "parental gate" to avoid they can see non adequate content.

    Is this so weird...?

  • The main point is if there is any way to catch the user clic over the ads and allowing or blocking that the App shows the content of the ads

  • hi newt,

    Thanks for answering.

    Apple is asking me to implment a "Parental Gate", not avoid ads in Apps for Kids. That policy wouldn't make sense. The requeriment is that the advertisements must be suitable for kids.

    The whole text provided by Apple is:

    "You have selected the Kids Category for your app, but it includes links out of the app or engages in commerce without first obtaining parental permission. Specifically, your app includes advertisements that, when tapped, take the user to a web page or the App Store.

    Please update your app to incorporate a parental gate before the user can leave the app and ensure that the parental gate cannot be disabled. "

    As far as I understand, only a "parental gate" is required to prevent access to external content by kids.

  • Hi all,

    I've sent my App for kids to Apple for reviewing but it was rejected for publishing. The App includes advertisements (using the Crandberry Cordova Plugin for AdMob) and Apple indicates that the App should implement a "Parental Gate" to prevent children can click on the publicity and therefore they are allow to browse external content to the App (like websites or other ads content).

    I know how to implement some "Parental Gate" or control mechanism to prevent this access by the kids: i.e. typical mathematical expression that only adults can solve. But my problem is a little bit different, I would need to know how to detect when the user (kid) have clicked on the Ads and so show them the "Parental Gate" and depending on the response (right or wrong) allowing or avoiding the access to the content of the advertisement.

    Step-by-step sequence:

    1.- The kid click on the advertisement.

    2.- The App show him/her the question with the mathematical problem ("parental gate")

    3.- If a valid answer is entered, the access to the advertisement is allowed. Otherwise, the app blocks the access to the advertisement, it is not shown and the app returns to the previous screen before clicking the ads.

    Could anyone provide me any idea on how to implement this?

    Do you Ashley / cranberry have any idea how to manage this?

    Thanks so much!

  • Hi guys,

    I'm facing the same problem of the initial description in this thread. The system is always showing test ads. No matter the value of the "test mode" ("true" or "false") in the properties of the object in C2. I mean, I never get real admob ads, only test ads.

    I'm using Construct 2 233 and Intel XDK 3400 (the 3491 release has a lot of problems) and the addon "cranberrygame_CordovaAdMob_1.0.100.c2addon".

    Someone has the same issue?


    AlphaCharlie rekjl

  • Hi guys,

    I have published my app recently. The first days I got many impressions of advertisements but some days later, the app stopped showing ads. No updates were done in the app or new releases were published in the Play Store.

    I'm using C2 229 and build with Intel XDK 3400. The Admob plugin I'm using is Cordova Admob Plugin: cordova-plugin-ad-admob 1.0.107 by Sang Ki Kwon (Cranberrygame).

    I tried the next test with success: If I build a new version with other different package name, It looks start working again. But not if I use the same package name with a higher version number.

    I have no information/mail from Google related with this issue or banned so I guess there is no problem there.

    Someone could help me with this? I would appreciate a lot since I have been for a long time trying many things without successs and I'm quite frustrated.

    Thanks so much!

  • Hi developmentcrew,

    I got this old topic since I have the same problem with my app published recently. The first days I got many impressions of advertisements but some days later, the app stopped showing ads. No updates were done in the app or new releases were published in the Play Store.

    I'm using C2 229 and build with Intel XDK 3400. The Admob plugin I'm using is Cordova Admob Plugin: cordova-plugin-ad-admob 1.0.107 by Sang Ki Kwon (Cranberrygame).

    I tried the next test: If I build a new version with other different package name, It looks start working again. But not if I use the same package name with a higher version number.

    Someone could help me with this? I have been for a long time trying many things without successs. I'm quite frustrated.

    Thanks so much!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • ThePhotons please, does anyone know how to get the "room list" using Photon Cloud Plugin?

  • Thank so much Perfect explanation.

    The only thing what I need to use your proposed method is to get the Room List. I haven't seen any property or mecanishm to achive this. I guess it should be done inside both the "On Room list" event or the "On Join Lobby" , but I cannot see any property that stores this list of available rooms.

  • 2dgamedev Could you please explain with a bit of detail how to filter by room properties?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Could someone please post the right configuration for Admob and Browser features? What plugins and versions should be included exactly?


  • I have news regarding this. I have admob (both Banner and Interstitial) and Browser ("open URL") fully working.

    Here the setup I use for getting this:

    Construct 2 Project exported with Cordova Plattform.

    Intel XDK:

    Admob Plugin: com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob

    Google Play Services for Android is automatically added as Dependencies

    No further plugins needed (no InAppBrowser or others are required)

    Cordova CLI 4.1.2 (very important)

    Crosswalk Runtime: Embedded 12 (I don't know if this is relevant yet)

    Both banner and Intersticial work fine but most of the time, expect long delays before you can see the advertisement shown in the screen.

    And alse ensure you are online (Internet access working fine).

    hope this helps.

  • administrators, you should provide some answers to the developers. You have to clarify what the best configuration is (CLI version, AdMobAds plugin version, etc). We want to release our games with advertisement and we think that right now it's not possible. Please, publish some solution since otherwise we'll give up soon...

  • 15 posts