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  • So i loaded up your project on my MacBook Pro and my Dell XPS (9560) and ran them side by side on C3. I had to add a full screen toggle to the game as I don't like manually resizing it in preview. When it ran, both were pretty much identical. Didn't see any lagging or stuttering but i did noticed a slight one when the game just loaded initially. Didn't occur after that but i've seen this before in my projects too. However, it could just be my imagination but it appeared to run slightly slower when in full screen mode.

    Hope that helps some.

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  • I have a 2014 13in i5 16gb MacBook Pro Retina and used C3 on it occasionally (whenever i'm closest to my Mac). Haven't had any issues with it so far. The projects i've worked on are set to 320x180 with high quality settings with point sampling. Don't havent any stuttering any issues whatsoever on it. I use to run C2 on it through VMWare on the Mac, which even then it ran surprisingly well - perhaps about 10% slower though but not very noticeable. On native OSX with C3 the performance is pretty much on par with the PC.

  • Yep, doesn't work for me either.

  • $3 per game sale...

    then would need only 3 million sales

    ....meh.....that's totally do-able.

    Hell if Tom Cruise and his minions of scientologists can do it, so can you.

    [quote:2iid8sl3]but I am going to now go dark and will resurface with demo....

    Now....we getting somewhere....

    [quote:2iid8sl3]ps looking fwd to playing Raider demo on my return. ..

    Wait...what?? Ugh....this is about you, not me!!!!! Oh well....but since you asked nicely....check your PM....

  • Nah...i thought it was funny. I still rick roll folks every once in a while.

    But seriously though, your 14-16 month projections are way too long man. You might as well put one up tonight. Yes *tonight*. It'll get you closer to that completion goal just to get feed back. That lambo ain't gonna buy itself.

  • Ok i get it now. Interesting.

  • The more i look at this, the more i get a Darius feel to it. So when do we get to demo ?

  • A bit confused here. Can you give an example of what a DRY mechanic would be?

  • I can confirm that the r59 did fix that login issue now.

    However, changing the UI mode does cause a crash and error message. Once the page is reloaded afterwards, the UI mode did take effect. A new gitHub ticket was submitted.

  • CRT Effect :

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