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  • That helps a lot! Thank you! :D

  • Hello, I'm making a weird platform exploration game where you beat the crap out of stuff. To make the 'beating the crap out of stuff' more fun, I want the enemies in my game to have a very big knockback, so you can fling them across the screen. Enemies have the Platform behavior and are set to ignore user input. I want the knockback to activate when the enemy collides with object 'BambooStick.' How do I get the enemy to get knocked back?

  • Okay, he's missing XAudio2. So he just needs the DLL to run the game? If so, what version of the DLL?

  • I tried to get a friend of mine to try out a game I'm working on. Since he doesn't have Construct, I sent over an executable. When he ran the game, he got this error:

    Failed to load plugin C:\Documents and Settings~\Local Settings\Temp\cap16.tmp\4.csx (126)

    The executable works perfectly fine for me, so I'm not sure what's causing this error. Can someone help me?

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  • Hello, I'm making a platform game. I'd like my platform character to have a lobbing attack. It should be able to throw an object in an arc. It should be affected by gravity and it should be pushed at 45 or 135 degrees, depending on the direction the character is facing, to get it moving in an arc. How do I do this?

  • I'd like to use MIDIs in my game, but it doesn't look like I can load them into Construct. Is there a way to use MIDIs in Construct, or is there a plug in for it? Thanks!

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Member since 17 Sep, 2011

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