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  • Do you have triggers to handle all errors as well and display them if any occur? Otherwise how do you know if anything is going wrong?

    In further testing I have yes, as far as I can tell there are no errors in console or failures being triggered. Auth works fine and shows the little banner popup. Is there a place I can go in the Google Dev backend to see if score submission is actually working?

    I hope I'm not being a pain here, and that this is all very experimental. Just trying to get to the bottom of it.

  • The events in your screenshots make no sense. When the hi-scores are received, you just request the hi-scores again, so it will loop around and around constantly making more requests. Google Play might even have temporarily banned you for making too many requests.

    I still have this problem however, perhaps this screenshot will help?

    Second part is merely to see if the request is successful by playing a sound.

  • Oh, I should mention I'm not even trying to use it with Crosswalk or Phonegap atm. Just preview. I can get the auth and the login welcome back thing comes up but scores are not working.

  • I have just come across the same thing in experimenting with one of my games. Is it possible there is no popup that shows up and this needs to be created manually?

  • It is possible (in fact, long ago a user did it), but not practical.

  • You're having it go to another room and then trying to set text, which doesn't work. If you want to set a line of text in the next layout you'll have to do it with a global variable or set the line to change in the second layouts event sheet(again either with a global variable or hard coded).

  • A user known as YellowAfterlife has kindly created a plugin that easily integrates Game Jolt's API into Construct 2.

    Forum post: http://gamejolt.com/community/forums/to ... -api/2867/

    Creator's website post: http://yal.cc/gamejolt-api-for-construct-2/


    This is a simplistic API for Construct 2. It includes auth, achievement unlocking, and score posting, all with according callbacks.


    As simple as it goes - unzip folder to "Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins" directory, and restart IDE. Plugin will appear under "Platform specific" category on next launch.


    Include GameJolt plugin into your project by adding an object of it (it is global, so you only need to do this once). Set up your game ID and private key in object properties (this data can be discovered on dashboard). Afterwards, add according events and actions where appropriate.

    Note that while the plugin will automatically authenticate the user, it can take a second or two to do that, so for "first visit" actions you should use "Logged in" event.

  • I run into the same error after doing the steps above. I also get an error in the browser after hitting retry.

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined

    url/data.js, line 3496 (col 23)

  • Minor update, new particle based death for zombies, character movement bug fix, added new mob spawner for zombie creation.

    Zombies pop out of the spawner based on the number of them in the current layout.

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  • Version 0.9.5 has been released!

    Includes a handful of sounds and minor bug fixes related to animations.

    The next version should have more levels and a global life system.

  • 1. Due to the way WebGL works in Construct 2, text is drawn on top of everything else.

    2. The text is supposed to represent blood, this may not help. Might reposition to prevent the player from appearing on top.

    3. This is a prerelease, many graphical objects are far from complete.

    I appreciate the input, more good things to come!

  • Latest update:

    1. Project now has an actual name

    2. Many place holder sprites replaced

    3. Title screen(WIP)

    4. Thoroughly tested and working with an iPad 2

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12497824/zom2.png" border="0" />

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Member since 12 Sep, 2011

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