8BitTV's Recent Forum Activity

  • Greetings fellow Constructors! I'd like to present my first major project using Construct 2...

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12497824/zom.PNG" border="0">

    Click here to play the latest version.


    A/D - Left/Right

    W - Jump

    Space - Shoot

    Latest version includes:

    • Health/Ammo system
    • Mediocre AI
    • iPad/Touch Controls
    • Pickups
    • Webfonts(Yay!)

    For the most part I have the game well planned out, once I finish up on a few more basic things I'll finish the level graphics and then go crazy making various levels and scenarios.

    My weakest point would have to be the AI, and now that we have families it's even easier. I'd love to have different zombie types but creating AI makes my brain hurt, help with that would be appreciated.

  • Ello there! My name is Gio, I'm seriously passionate about games, and am looking into making them my profession.

    I first heard about Construct when Game Maker announced the price hikes, and when basicly everything went to garbage. I love open source software, and Construct Classic was absolutely amazing in my eyes.

    Since then you guys have been working on Construct 2, and I'm ready and willing to support this project all the way!

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  • Very interesting concept, had some spawn-killing problems, other than that quite nice!

    Some of the enemies are a bit weird looking though, can't really make out what they are...

  • Thanks, just grabbed it! Portal really is an amazing game.

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Member since 12 Sep, 2011

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