Hi guys !
I bought Q3D a few days ago, and I started to discover this awesome addon. It's realy hard for me because I'm french and not realy good in english, so I don't understand all the documentation, wich is, hum, poor.
I LOVE oldschools FPS like Wolfenstein, Rise of the Triads, etc... And I want to be able to make and play this type of game, directly in my browser.
Today, I'm proud to show you the result of my work. It's not finished yet, and there still a lot of work on this, but I think it's just a matter of time.
I made a sort of 2D editor, you draw your level with classical sprites, one for the walls, one for the floor, in the future for celling, other type of walls, doors, items...
At the begining of the level, Blocs are spawned at sprites coordinates, and we destroy the sprites.
The tweak is I rotate the camera in Q3DMaster by (90,90,0) to have this "First Person View". It work fine, moving and jumping are OK but I can move through walls. Floor is "solid" and I can't pass through it, but walls are like... Nothing. I think it's because I had to change gravity vector, but I can't find (ATM ) a solution. Still working...
And the game is "reverted"...
I'll continue to work on it, you can follow my steps on Instagram : jcharpentier85