nblumoe's Recent Forum Activity

  • The sub-entities don't work in the C2 plugin yet as the importer still needs to be updated to do this. I haven't forwarded the information to Ashley yet, as I'd like to make sure I choose the best way to implement sub-entities before he takes the time to change the importer. I'm currently working on the reference implementation for Spriter (the implementation that all future implementations will be based on), and I'm going to use this design to update the c2 plugin. This should make the plugin faster and more ram efficient and will also have the sub-entities implemented. I apologize for the delay, but it's it's in the interest of making sure everything is as powerful and useful as possible.

    Thanks for the update. Any ideas on the time frame for this? No worries, it's considered an non-binding estimate!

    Until that's done, I would go with a workaround to create "sub animations" in C2 on action points from Spriter, would that be the best solution atm? Of course sub-entities will be much nicer than this, so I am looking forward to get them.

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  • plugin changelog 10/24/14

    • Fixed a bug where z-order changes wouldn't update sprites for paused animations until after the object was moved or animation was resumed.
    • Plugin-side support for Sub-Entities (not yet useable*).

    *Sub-Entity support is now in the plugin, but is not yet supported by Construct 2's Spriter importer. Over the next week, I'll put together an explanation of the manual import process. Manually importing a file is usually a bit tedious, but it will work for people eager to give the new feature a try. In the meantime, I will be brainstorming to see if there's a way to minimize any changes/additions needed for C2's importer, and then sending any necessary information to Ashley. I'll keep you updated as everything progresses.

    lucid So is it possible to use Sub-Entities in C2 now via the plugin? When using Sub-Entities in a Spriter project and adding the scml and scon to C2, all the Sprites show up in C2. Furthermore, I can change the entity in C2 and make an animation of that new entity play back.

    However, when playing animations, the Sub-Entities are missing. So if the active entity is "A" which has "B" as a Sub-Entity, the animation from "B" is not shown when playing the animation of "A".

    How can I fix that? Is that still the spriter import issue you mentioned?

    Please let me know if you need further information (like file names or my C2 object tree, a capx or something else).

    Thanks and cheers


  • lucid


    The following issue still seems to exist. At least I could not make "Action Point Exist on Frame" work, even though I can get X and Y of a specific action point, I cannot check if it exists.

    Are you aware of that issue? Is it going to be fixed?

    Maybe I am doing something wrong?

    The condition "Action Point Exist on Frame"checking seems not working, I even the put the checking in "Every Tick" for testing, but it still wont detect the point.

    Let say my character is playing animation "shooting" and in that animation I want C2 to create bullet object when it found that the animation got "shoot" point which I created in Spriter. I already rename the point to "shoot" in spriter but it wont detect it in C2.

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