Parapraxis's Recent Forum Activity

  • Here is my WIP which I started tonight before the hurricane kills my electricity for who knows how long.. =(..

    The video is super crap since I downloaded some freeware video capture software... when i get further in dev ill have to get a better program and actually bother to edit the video and set the settings so its not so laggy.. haha..

    The working name for the game is Cosmogony.. its a game kinda like the games Osmos or the game Flow but game play wont be quite the same as those though.

    Not much progress yet! But it will get there!

  • Started work on a long term game project!

    I am calling it Cosmogony at least for now..

    I figured might as well get started on it tonight as I await the hurricane and wonder if i will lose power for a long time.. so might as well enjoy this thing called electricity while I can and do something fun.. with the tv on.. and music and cooking food.. and oh enjoy flushing my toilet while i can! filled the bathtub with water.. this sucks.. ugh.. i really do not want to lose power! Hope the storm doesn't hit too hard here.. but its already flooding and the storm is still pretty far. If I die.. at least I finally started making a game!

    I think I picked up on this hurricane subconsciously a week or more ago when I came up with the concept for the game.. haha.. since as of right now it looks like the player is lost in a hurricane.. =)..

    The game is going to be basically a top down view scroller.. at least in a sense.. It's a game that without saying too much is sorta about astral travel/cosmogony/astrology/a hero quest/archetypes & the collective unconscious... game play is kinda like Osmos/Flow but with other gameplay elements.. as well as a more narrative story.

    Of course the freaking rain has to pick up hard an hour before I have to pick up my girlfriend from work.. son of a birch.. please no trees fall on my car.. or myself.. or my apartment.. or on electrical wires knocking my power out.

    I am posting a early video in the other section right after this. A really early dev video.. haha.

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • So.. now that there is html5 support i had a few questions for people out there using construct2...and sorry if people may have answered some of these questions elsewhere.. but..?

    Has anyone here released anything made with construct2 for the android marketplace? and could you tell me about your experience developing with construct2 for android/html5 etc.. and how are your sales if you are willing to share that..

    what about ipad/iphone anyone release anything on there? will apple even accept games made with construct2 to the marketplace? since i know how they are pretty picky especially about people developing on windows or not with their specific dev tools and so forth..

    Basically I just got an android phone and been thinking of using construct2 to make a game that would be perfect for touch controls and a pretty simple twist on top down gameplay.. and I have some previous experience with construct.. so just curious also how people are liking construct2 and the new features like the bestest?

    my girlfriend has an ipad so i was kinda thinking i would make this game i have started work on.. for both ipad/android since i figure it would be easy to release on both.. any thoughts on that?

  • I live in New Hampshire.. but it seems as though the storm wont be too bad by the time it gets here.. which i kinda figured.. it will be tropical storm status.. if even that... i just don't want to lose power.. i lost power for two weeks a couple winters ago after a crazy ice storm.. it sucked.. plus it was really weird since i had taken mushrooms for the first and only time in my life and was sh$t talking electricity and society with my girlfriend and how i kinda wish people could live how they used to.. and then WHAM! the power went out and i heard a big explosion outside.. haha.. careful what you wish for.. it was freezing in my apartment for two weeks.. my poor cat got left alone for a week of that because its hard to cook without electricity etc.. especially in winter time and we stayed at my girlfriends parents house who have a generator... luckily my cat is a maine coon and is furry as heck.. he got ear infections though poor kitty..


    the media/government really just wanted to make sure they warned people extensively just in case since after what happened with hurricane katrina..

    i have a feeling it will be problematic but not as bad as they are or were saying earlier since its already a category 1 hurricane and kinda losing steam earlier than predicted.. we will see.. i really was thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. then i went to two supermarkets & walmart after i couldn't find any water for sale anywhere.. and i wasn't even trying to buy water because of the hurricane just normal food shopping because i kinda had a gut feeling that this storm would not be bad here.. my gut feelings are usually always right.. i am psychic after all.. haha.. but damn people stock piling everything! sheesh calm down leave stuff for other people!

    New Hampshire people running around like chickens with their heads cut off.. i don't even want to imagine what people around here would be acting like if something bad was to happen here.. i think its time to buy a water purifier so if the sh*te ever hits the fan and all those nuts buy all the water.. well.. ill be able to get water from even puddles!

    ugh.. i really don't want to lose power!!! at least not for more than a day..

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Member since 27 Aug, 2011

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