Post videos of what you're working on!

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We present to you “Post Apocalyptic Trailer” – our newest hard hitting, bass rumbling designed movie trailer collection.
  • Long dead project, had some videos recorded of almost stages of development, so i just mashed them together. Looks cool now i'm not working on it. Maybe i'll get back onto it someday.


  • Nice music !

    Was it made for the game itself ?

  • Oh no, the game didn't had any sound. The song is called Dynamic Symmetry, by BT.

  • - awesome sauce...but only five seconds of flashback..............shame on you sir.

  • Here is my WIP which I started tonight before the hurricane kills my electricity for who knows how long.. =(..

    The video is super crap since I downloaded some freeware video capture software... when i get further in dev ill have to get a better program and actually bother to edit the video and set the settings so its not so laggy.. haha..

    The working name for the game is Cosmogony.. its a game kinda like the games Osmos or the game Flow but game play wont be quite the same as those though.

    Not much progress yet! But it will get there!




  • Thanks for the props, Mr. Snooley!

    harrio - I'm sorry. I couldn't fit more Flashback in there. But the fact that the lyric that's sung over it fits with the game pretty swell is a good consolation prize! Still, blame the composers for not allotting enough time! Oh wait, that's me... <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    - Cool game! A different way to platform! I also liked the mine cart segment. Brought fun memories of Donkey Kong Country! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks for the props, Mr. Snooley!

    harrio - I'm sorry. I couldn't fit more Flashback in there. But the fact that the lyric that's sung over it fits with the game pretty swell is a good consolation prize! Still, blame the composers for not allotting enough time! Oh wait, that's me... <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    - Cool game! A different way to platform! I also liked the mine cart segment. Brought fun memories of Donkey Kong Country! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank the game is being updated every day with new levels. And that does not hinder the rescue and previous record.


    Music SPHERE

  • VQ 3


  • Pretty cool crazy.

    Just a little typo at the beginning though : "Quests" instead of "Quets" ;)

    Else, nice anim. Maybe the general ambiance is a bit too shiny/light for a vampire ambiance, but it helps the readability.

    Good job, keep it up.

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    DOWNLOAD HERE    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Great game you are creating!

  • Carmageddon sort-of game. Very early in development.

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