metalzombie123's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is there a way to record the player movement and simultaneously plays the recording in a ghost.

    The result is to create the delusion that the ghost copys the player movements and chase it, and when the player touches the ghost, dies.

    Is there any way to do this?

  • > I tried Vector Y, but you can jump higher if jump key is down


    Couldn't this be avoided by a simple boolean variable setting?

    What did you mean?

  • Does increasing the jump strength on platform behaviour not work?

    I mean, when the jump key is down, jump strengh increase, but if the key is not down, just the same jump strenght

  • Hello, I'm making a game like the Mario series, and we all know when you stomp in a goomba/koopa/etc... you can jump much higher when the jump key is down, I trying to do that in my game but i don't know how to do it, I tried Vector Y, but you can jump higher if jump key is down, and I tried to enable double jump when you stomp the enemy, but you can do that with only 2 enemies, because is double jump (duh), Is there any solution to this?

  • Hello, I'm want to know to make a player clone, which has the same animations and behaviors, copy the moves of the player, but with a delay, for example, when I move to the left, wait 1 second, and the clone do the same thing, and this with all the basics movements and custom movements I created.

    Do you have played Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario 3D Land? The mario clones that follows mario and do the same moves, i want to do something like that but in 2D.

    How to do?

    (Sorry for my bad english )

  • Hello, I finished my game and I tried to export as NW.js, I installed it and when the export finished, it show me a error like this:

    Error during export: Cannot open file 'C:\Users\LUIS_CARLOS\Desktop\GameTest\osx32\\Contents\Info.plist'

    And when I open the win32 folder and open the game, it says that a file: nw_elf.dll is missing

    What to do?

  • Just thinking out loud:

    keyboard on down arrow pressed

    player is not on floor

    > player disable platform behaviour

    >player play animation "stomp"

    player on animation "stomp" ended

    > player enable platform behaviour

    To get a bigger speed using the bullet behaviour for the fall might be a better solution..

    just re-enable the platform behaviour after the stomping action..

    Doesn't working for me, i do that, and when I press the down button the player just freezes in the air and don't play the animation

  • Hello, I'm making a game like New Super Mario Bros, well, i want to know how to do a ground pound action, for example, when you jump/fall and press down button in mid-air, the player freezes in air, play an animation and when it ends, the player falls quickly, How to do?

    (Sorry for my bad english )

  • Hello, I'm making a game like Mario, and i want to know how to do a skid animation when, for example, when you pressing right and suddenly press left, Mario do the skidding animation, and when the animation finish, go to the left, i don't know how to do that, is there any answer to this?

    (Sorry for my bad english )

  • I guess you are looking for something like this:

    Give the player a booelean variable EndOfLevel

    player on collision with invisibleobject

    > player set boolean endoflevel to true

    > player set platform behaviour start ignoring input

    player is boolean endoflevel

    > player platform simulate pressing right

    Didn't work :c, when the player collision the invisible object, the player just stop and don't move

  • Hello guys, i have a very little question, but i dont know how to solve it.

    I want the player when collision with a invisible object, he walk automatically straight, and wait X seconds to fade the layout and go to the next layout, and you can't do anything when this happens, I tryied the bullet behavior and disable the plataform behavior, but you can still move!, is there any solve to this?

    (Sorry for my bad english )

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  • On some condition > Tank>Spawn Bullet

    ____________________________>Bullet> angle(self.X, Self.Y,Target.ImagePointX(0),Target.ImagePointY(0))

    The Target being the guy with the gun and the Bullet having the bullet behavior.

    But how i make the tank rotate to the player using different sprites/animations

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Member since 8 Jul, 2015

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