alexmartinhenry's Recent Forum Activity

  • How did you get it to work? I am having a similar issue with admob trying to get interstitials to appear.

  • Hello everyone!

    I just released my game yesterday for free on android market called Endless City!

    Its an infinite runner with teleportation! Check it out!


  • Without reading any other comments, Startup. Self learning is forever more valuable than college or especially school. Just from my own life experience, school was basically nightmare-land, and college at least I was surrounded by people who were interested in the same stuff, so I was able to "network"/drink beers with friends. Everything I value most in my life has been self taught/Self learned. I want to know something, I find out how to do it.

    This is just one persons opinion, but I plan to homeschooling my mini human if I get the chance. I mean, why would I want to force them through the most traumatic experience of their lives, barely learn anything, in that barely anything, its hardly stuff you want to learn. I mean, how long do teachers take attendance for? at least in HS, Ill say 4-5 minutes, they have 40-45 minute class periods, all likely different depending on the school, so the teacher has 40 minutes to teach their lesson. hopefully there's no announcements during that time, hopefully none of the kids need to be reprimanded often, then do this 10-12 times a day. Then god forbid your ever under the shoe of a bully, administration or student. From my experience, they really do nothing, and why would I want to subject myself willingly to that torment? Its pretty much slightly controlled anarchy at best. How are we expecting kids to really focus on anything if the system itself focuses on nothing. That is how I felt throughout my entire schooling until college, where I choose to go there for something I wanted to do.

    Bit of a rant there... so tl;dr I think school sucks, rather make money now, which is the point of capitalism, right?

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  • Ooo! Its thinky time.

    [quote:1pkf7d7t]Would the term "developer" then no longer be adequate, because the AI takes that role.

    I love questions like this, so thank you for asking it!

    There are so many variables that go into this. I think developer would no longer be adequate to answer the question bluntly (From a layman at least )

    AI is only going to get better, and likely at an incredible pace too. If they were introduced to games, I think the big thing that AI would need is player feedback. someway that the AI can understand if a player likes or dislikes its creation. It then will be able to build off that data over and over making better and better games, even still, the variables... I imagine this would require fully modular game development, at least to start with as well as for speed, with the AI's ability to create modules to then switch them between its games and modify at will. The feedback given to the AI for if the game was fun, or more specifically, was this feature fun, giving things scale ratings, such as; How easy was the inventory to use? 1-10 , was the combat fun to use? 1-10 It would change the lower rated objects first and keep the 10 rated modules as close to their base as possible. This is how I would imagine going about it.

    Eventually, years down the road, the AI just spits out intuitive, fun, creative games. Its hard to know what those will be like, But i feel that the human interaction of being able to review features in the game and if a game idea is getting old it will stay fresh (hopefully)

  • Bump, I have the same thought.

  • I say that is a great way to approach it! Comics books are essentially storyboards, so you have the perfect base for dialogue, environment, enemies, heroes, anything you need you comic book will provide given its detailed enough. Good luck! Whenever you get a link ready, pop it on the thread so we can see it!

  • Tekniko where do i do that? A quick search doesn't turn up much info about that. Please explain more.

    linkman2004 Your right, after hours of frustration and seeing your post, I opened it up in preview and theres no line. How strange right? Thank you so much, I was wiggin' out.

    Frostein That was my first thought, I did make sure they were even square sizes, and those lines still appeared in the editor, it must be the way C2 renders? Im nowhere near qualified to really make a statement about that. But your right, always using square numbers prevents problems.

    I am going to mark this as solved. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your help.

    This is a question that really evolves with me. Currently, the games that inspire me are: Dark souls, Destiny, and Super time force.

    Each with their own ways of hitting certain notes for me. Dark souls as a gamer and developer is now a pillar of game design for me. It does everything so very right. I still haven't beaten the game but easily have over 200 hours in it on console and pc.

    Destiny inspires me art wise. It is truly a beautiful world to look at, the environments, the sky boxes, the weapons and enemies. The art is top notch.

    Super time force really inspired me pixel art wise and unique game play-wise. Genius concept with a pretty funny story to go with it. I like the effects of the pickups, its like a neon party going on when its crazy. Easily one of the most fun games I have ever played in my life.

    Some shout outs to Zelda, Pokemon, MGS:2, Pax Imperia:Eminent Domain, Diablo 2, Phantom Crash and Dungeon Defenders. They have shaped the way I think about games significantly.

  • Following the tutorial, and off the bat I am running into an issue x.x. It seems, C2 wants to have a little space between my sprites. It does not appear in the image editor in C2, it shows it correctly, but in the actual editor, there is a noticleable line that does not end correctly.

    In C2 image editor from photoshop.

    In C2.

    Why is C2 doing this? In the tutorial he doesnt even encounter this problem or acknowledge it.

  • The best example of this is in the game Destiny, The reputation for vendors and things is circular. How do I remake that in C2?

  • I feel like a fool, x.x thank you...

  • something like this?


    Trying to implement this is confusing the heck out of me. When is it saving? how do i set it save to local? All its showing is when its loading never the actual save part. Please help its uber frustrating.

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Member since 6 Jul, 2015

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