So sorry for the late reply.
I'm currently at school so can't upload gif.
Each maze is made form a tileset using tilemaps in construct. Then I add it to a family so the map parts could be loaded in endlessly. I did it like this so I could include enemies and other things such as coin in this family.
However, I want to add coins that are evenly distributed in the maze, like how they are in pacman. Each time a maze family is loaded I want the coins to also be loaded in. I could put all these coins down manually, this would take ages since I want 30 different Map families so there is variation.
Would I be able to use math to do this? I don't have much understand of advanced math's or construct 3 so this might be an issue lol but I am willing to learn!
I am basically just making pacman 256
I didn't release at first it was just coincidence but basically exactly that game.
This is for school coursework.