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    > > 50/50? That's not fair. 80/20 should go to the developer.


    > It's win/win someone is hosting your stuff, don't be greedy.

    Host's are a dime a dozen. The only thing he might be able to offer is traffic, Hence Ash's post.

    My point still stands, your post was pointless. Moral of the story, don't be greedy.

  • 50/50? That's not fair. 80/20 should go to the developer.

    It's win/win someone is hosting your stuff, don't be greedy.

  • Ahh perfect, can't wait xD

  • So welblade is asking for an 'any' sprite instead of selecting each sprite and creating unique events. If that's correct, I'd like to add a suggestions for sprite groups and group selection for collision events or maybe an OR option, I'd prefer sprite groups and group selection for events.

  • Ahh that makes sense and makes things a lot easier. I'll get to work and see how it works out, thanks for the info(s) lucid, Kyatric and Ashley xD!

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  • I was wondering if there was an event for when objects are created during run time, like when I spawn a monster for example, if not could one be created or is there a specific way I'm supposed to get this info.

    What I'm trying to do is but a health bar and unit info (name/lvl/etc) above the units sprite, so I need a way to get dynamically created content and create/attach specific objects to them.

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Member since 17 Jul, 2011

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