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  • good idea.

    I don't have any specific requirement, I just wonder if this was possible, cause it may be veryusefull to have multiple game screen

    Actually, i found free server where you can host nodejs server :

    I didn't try it by now...

    so i just wander if it was possible to have a game hosted on the web, and multiple players playing on multiple computers and devices. My idea was a Menu at start when you connect the URL, where you choose if your device is a screen game or a controller for a new player.

  • tatogame

    I use the shader for normalmap only, Shadow is a fake as I dont kow how to use shadow caster (give me wierd results)

    So my shadow is just a shadow sprite, with deformation, position and opacity depending on the light position X,Y and lightsprite (shinny) layer, so Shinny can be front or back , left or right of the character, and project or not shadow.

  • Hi,

    just a question...

    Anyway to display several maingame on several devices ?

    For now it's always the first connected which is maingame, and all the others are controllers.

    in the start sheet, it's "on connected to server / Is Controller => Goto ctrlJoystick

    Else goto Space"

    how to "not be Controller" anymore, and just display the main game screen ?


  • Hi guys

    just want to share my last wip with you, using normalmap shader.

  • Ok.

    selfilluminated maybe not the term i was looking for. It's more like Emissive. Ex a texture with some yellow points that emit light on the rest of the texture.

  • Hi

    look at this capture.

    I freshly reinstall C2 Beta r210, install your last files version, and compile your last capx, in Firefox (last release) and in Chrome.

    See what happen !

    I check the zoom in the two browser, it is at 100%. But as you see, it seems bigger in firefox than in chrome. So i wander if Firefox makes an "automatic scale" of the canvas or something, that may distrub the shader. It's not "mouse" dependant as you see, it's buged on the animated yellow square light.

    But I have the same problem with the "mouse" light (i just can't capture the mouse cursor to show you...)

    so i dunno.. really weird...

    I will just work on chrome for now.

    For the normalmap Y axis, no more problem. I made a mistake

    Thx again for your work, this shader is impressive.

    Do you think, in a future version, you can add specular (using a specular texture ?)

    Actually, I have a lots of 3D meshes with diff, spec and normal. So i can render from 3DSMax sprites in 3 versions : textured, normalmaped and speculared, and mix them in C2 with your shader.

    I made some test and it's work great with texture and normal. Just wander if I can use Specaular too.

    another question, not relative to normalmap, but do you know how I can make "selfilluminated" textures (I got many meshes using selfillum too )

    But once again, great job !!!

  • Seems to work

    i can now rescale the chrome windows, and the light is still under the mouse cursor

    but still buging under firefox...

    I have another problem, witch may be corrected by adding a 47 value in the shader

    My normalmaps have an inverted Y axis. It happens, depending on the software you use to create your normalmap, in most software/engine Y axis is Up, but in construc2, Y axis is Down.

    Do you think you can add a small variable like "normalmap Y axis : 0" for Down and "1" for Up, so it can automatically invert the Y axis in the shader... (I dunno in the shader how to invert green component for the normalmap rgb)

    Do you think this may be possible ???


  • Ok... so i just found that my bug only happen in firefox.

    I still dunno why, but the light is not under mouse in firefox, but seems to work great on Chrome or NW.js.

    Btw, for my test I'm in 1920x1080. If I look in fullscreen mode (realHD) every thing is fine;

    But if I'm in a smaller window, The rescaling blow away and the light isn't under the mouse anymore.

    I'll try to create a variable with the window size and update the screenx and y resolution every tick to test...

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  • Ok I'll try this.

    My game will be in HD 1920x1080,

    But i 'm not sure that ican preview in browser in HD,

    So my screen size may not be 1920x1080.

    Btw, i have the probleme on your file too, the light seems to be +150 x and -150 y

    I dunno why...

    I'll try few things tonight...


  • Hi

    Seems to wirk for me too. Thx!

    But i still dont understand "where" is the light.

    When i try your event with layertocanvasX and mouse, the light is not on the mouse.

    Can you explain how it work, and what does the layer size param in the effect do?

    Thx again

  • matriax

    a nice tuto on glsl light shader, might be interesting (i was looking for the spotlight ^-^)

    But no idea how to make it in C2 by now...

    Like you, i'm really not experienced in shader

    and a second tuto :

  • so i need to define my torch 3D position, and my light target (mouse) 3D position, and rasterise it in 2D.

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