Just now, I exported to Awesomium and to my surprise, there was no sound. I read other topics on this and only got one answer "I installed windows again", that's just crazy. Does anyone else know why this happens? There's sound when I export to everything else, just not .exe...
Also, why does my music not loop correctly? It's like there's a really short stop/click when it loops on C2. It's really distracting. I read that OGG inserts this click thingy by default and also read to use WAV... If I used WAV, my game would be unnecessarily HUGE, it is really not a good work around at all.
Here's a song that loops 100% perfect on sound editors like Sound Forge, Audacity, etc. also works the same on the RPG Makers, but not on C2. When I render my music, I render it specifically for looping. If that click/stop is an OGG feature, why don't I hear this on those programs? How do you guys get C2 to loop yer music?