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  • Actually no, I want the colliding sprite to pass through the glow effect and only collide once it reaches the actual circle. I am just trying to understand how to correctly make collision masks within construct.

    I created a black circle the exact same size as the original circle and used it as the collision mask but it was still colliding a few pixels off. I kept decreasing the size of the black circle until it registered correctly but the end result ended up being black circle less then half the size of the original.

    I am confused because I figured the mask would be pixel specific.

  • Let's say, for example, that I have created a quick circle in photoshop then created a glow effect around the edges which fades into 0% transparency. It was my understanding that creating the same exact circle without the glow effect as a collision mask so another sprite would not officially collide with the original circle when overlapping the transparent glow.

    Atleast I thought this was the correct way to work with collision masks. The only way I could get the collision to work correctly was by making the mask much, much smaller than the original.

    Am I missing something? Can someone explain how the collision masks work within construct?

  • Great minimal style! Nice kind of sokoban.

    Thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Nice game...i like logic games like so keep up the great work on this <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks cjr1974!   <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey folks! Today I finished up a playable demo of Cubeakon, a Sokoban clone I have been working on over the past month or so. Cubeakon is my first game using Construct so I am interested to hear what others have to say. Feel free to leave constructive criticism.

    The demo offers around an hour of game play and you can play the first 3 stages which will offer you a total of 30 levels to conquer.


    Screen 01

    Screen 02

    Screen 03

    Screen 04

    Screen 05

    Game Blog

  • An interesting article on some developments with flash that some might be interested in.

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  • Been working on recreating an old genesis game titled "Shove It".

    Doing my best to recreate it in the way I would envision it and adding new gameplay features like destructible walls. The main menu is unfinished since I am concentrating on building the levels at the moment. So far I have just over 40 levels within 4 stages created.My first game with Construct so take it easy on me. ;)

    Blog can be found here for more information.

    Short video showing the detonator feature

    (Sorry for the bad quality)

    Screen 01 - Main Menu

    Screen 02 - Pause Menu

    Screen 03 - Active Detonator Menu

    Screen 04 - Level Complete Statistics

    Screen 05 - Difficulty Select Screen

    Screen 06 - Various Color Schemes for Stages

    Screen 07 - Various Color Schemes for Stages 02

    Screen 08 - Level Completion particle effects

  • Thanks for that Tulimide. I didn't bother checking the wiki because it seemed like I remembered there not being any info there on the XAudio object. Very helpful!

  • Oh wow, now that I am 40 layouts into my project I am not sure going back and changing all sound effect events will be likely. I was just hoping it was something simple I was doing wrong with the background music.

  • I am having a frustrating time understanding how to use the XAudio object "correctly" in a few instances.

    Essentially, at the start of each layout I am loading all sound effects and background audio into memory. At the start of each layout the background music functions fine until another sound effect is triggered. Once this happens there is a slight change in volume with the BG music. Also the background music seems to be effected by each trigger of a sound effect in that it acts like it is making a quick skip sound for just a few milliseconds.

    If I use the "Play Music from a file" event everything functions as it should.

    I can't seem to find much information on how to use the XAudio object correctly. Is it recommended to use the "Play Music from a file" event to handle background music for individual layouts or am I just doing something wrong when using events?

    Any help at all is highly appreciated! ;)

  • I put together a small example of how some things are working in the original game so far if it helps anyone to understand what I am trying to accomplish.

    I realize now, that I am first going to have to check which lap each car is on then which checkpoint they are at. If two cars are neck and neck I will also have to check if they both are at the same checkpoint. If they are then I need to measure which is closer to the next checkpoint. I know how to grab all this information but coming up with some type of algorithm to sort all cars into there specific position is confusing me especially since in the original game there are 21 ai opponents. Any suggestions? I'm really lost on this one.

    Demo Example

  • I started to sit down and brainstorm a good way of keeping track of the player and ai opponent positions in real time as they raced around a track in the top down racer I have been working on. I was trying to also come up with the best way to do it most accurately. My end idea was to set overlap checkpoints around the track and after the overlap occurs then you would compare the distance to the next checkpoint. The problem with this is when you go around sharp corners and the checkpoints are near each other the system then become faulty.

    I'm just curious if anyone has other suggestions or ideas on how to achieve the tracking of positions in real time with as much accuracy as possilbe? Any ideas would be helpful! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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Member since 12 Jun, 2011

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