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  • Hi, I just started playing around with construct a few days ago and come from a small background in scripting/programming. I have begun work on a top down F1 racer project and now that I have finished the track tiles and ground textures and assembled the first track I am starting to play with vehicle movement. The included "Car Movement" behavior is perfect but with two problems. It seems as though I am unable to edit or disable the bounce effect when colliding with solid objects as this is way to powerful. Also there seems to be no deacceleration function when going in reverse or after a collision.

    Are these to functions able to be added/edited by adding a custom movement behavior along with the Car movement behavior or am I going to have to make my own customized movement behavior?

    If I am going to have to create a Custom Movement Behavior from scratch can anyone point me in the right direction on how to achieve the feel of the already included Car Movement behavior but with the option to edit or disable the bounce feature as well as a editable deacceleration feature (When going in reverse)?

    Much thanks in advance for any and all suggestions/help!

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Member since 12 Jun, 2011

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