bclikesyou's Recent Forum Activity

  • #stoked

    Been keeping an eye on this for a while now. Glad to see it all coming together.

    That said, would love to hear what you decided on for nw.js & steam achievements.

  • Wow you've pumped out a lot of work since I've last peeked at this!

    Digging all of it. That boss up there reminds me of the snake level from Battletoads.

    Will definitely snag this when it comes out. Keep going, dude!

  • HR78 Thanks

    Video of 2nd level artwork can be seen here.

    Currently working on the cave tileset for the same level.

  • Great job! Currently at work so I can't try it out.

    Also wanted to say that you're a pixel artist that I'm always keeping an eye on!

  • That is a neat idea. Will the change of time happen from stage to stage or is there an actual timer that controls the sunrise?

    I'm thinking something simpler. Just a couple of different layouts that use the different color tilesets.

  • Thanks. I'll try that out.

  • Thanks to everyone who tried the demo out! Again if you haven't, download it for free here and let me know what you think!

    Took a good 2 weeks off of development but now I'm back!

    Working on my Level 2 tileset. This level is called "Maynard Forest" and when you start out, it's nighttime. As you progress, it will become morning and the tileset color scheme will shift to represent that. This is the base tileset and I will adjust the color hues to represent night, morning, and day time.

  • Bummed to hear that. How exactly do you know the # of assets a project has? I just spent 10 minutes looking but I feel like I'm missing the obvious answer here...

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  • Glad to see the improved performance.

    Question about the Mac export red loading bar: is there a work-around or are you just not offering a Mac build? I believe The Last Penelope and Airscape got around it by using Mac exports from NodeWebkit.

    I just released a retro-platformer demo (entire 1st level) and had no red loading bar issues on my Mac builds; granted there weren't a ton of assets. I'm just trying to think proactively here as my game will get larger

  • Voted! Enjoyed the demo and love the style. Looking forward to this one.

  • My demo is currently on itch.io!


  • frcol Did you hit "B" to continue the dialogue? That's the first line of dialogue so it was able to load past the title screen...

    Did you try keyboard or controller? And what OS are you using?