One way I can think of is you could create a sprite on touch, pin the map to it and is touching set sprite to touch.x, touch.y
What doesn't work?
Doesn't it move at all?
Are the coordinates wrong?
So what is the event you are using?
How are you telling C2 which marker you clicked and only to perform the action on clicking on that specific marker?
Why not follow the answer you already got, because it's a good one..
Yes we did..
Convert a numerical key code back in to a string representation. For example this turns the key code 65 in to the string "A".
"System compare" doesn't pick an instance..
You have to tell C2 which instance of the monster you want to react to your action..
As explained in How events work
(see the part about "unrefrenced objects")
The problem is, when combining those events on 1 event sheet they conflict/contradict eachother..
If two events are both true at the same time (tick) their actions are both executed in the order they are read (top to bottom)
I don't think using tilemap for this would use to many resources..
It doesn't work
You are only checking item 0
if you check item loopindex it works..
so you should replace the 0 in the list item compare condition with loopindex
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Without seeing your events we could only guess..
What part of this do you have issues with?
Placing the sprites should be easy..
It might even be easier to put them as animationframes,
Without seeing your events I can only guess..
Member since 26 Apr, 2011