Revilo's Recent Forum Activity

  • For a college interview I want to showcase my game on here as part of my portfolio. I am bringing my iPad to show it. I need a way of showing it on there whilst I'm offline, as I'm not 100% sure if there is wifi there. is there a way of playing my game on my iPad without wifi?


  • Problem Description

    Whenever I try to open my project that has previously been working fine, I get an error message say "error loading project"

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    I get an error message -

    "Failed to open project,

    Error Document Empty,

    This file may be invalid. Try Checking the file in a text editor(Projects are saved in xml format").

    Expected Result

    For it to Open my project.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO) I don't need a browser to open??

    Operating System and Service Pack


    Construct 2 Version ID

    I dont know where to find that, but I know I am to date with versions.

  • Once again you have helped me out Little Stain,

    With a few tweaks I got this working!

  • All I need is for Local storage to save my score when It is lower than my current high score/time.

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  • Thanks for the reply,

    I'm not really a programmer and don't fully understand local storage.

    All of the tutorials I copy never seem to work for me. Getting kind of frustrating!

    Thanks for your link, although the examples use web storage.

  • Okay so after hours of looking around tutorials and capx files I am posting this.

    I am making a platform game where you have to try and do it as fast as you can. I have 3 levels, and on my level select screen i want to have the fastest times underneath each level icon. However I just cant figure out how to do local storage.

    At the moment I am setting my Highscore/fastest time to something REALLY high and then saying If timer is lower than FastestTime set Highscore to Score. I need a way of saving my Fastest time, as at the moment it only says the Previous time.


  • Hi.

    So I am making a platform game which consists of 3 levels. On the level select screen I want to have the High Scores of each level underneath the Level Icon.

    I'm using if Timer is below High score (which is set really high) set High score to timer. It's timer because the aim of the game is how fast can you complete it.

    It works well but when you complete the level It says what you PREVIOUSLY got. Not your Best time. I need a way of saving this. Anyone know?

  • Thanks for replying to me, using m4a files makes sense.

    I converted my files to m4a but when I try to use it In my code it isn't showing....

    Like before I imported my music(m4a this time) into my project bar but when I try and code it into the game it does not appear. All that pops up is my old OGG. file...


    On button click, Play Music. When it asks me what music to use it does not appear...

    Am I doing something wrong?

  • Thanks for the response,

    I have read the manual before I posted this topic.

    The way my music is started is by touch:

    On button Pressed Play Music.

    On button Pressed Stop Music.

    Im constantly tapping the screen whilst I'm in my game.

    Are my .OGG files okay for IPad or do I need another type of file?

  • So I have this game where my audio plays very well on my computer, however when I play it on my IPad the music does not play. I know this is not a fault with my iPad as I have played other games on my iPad where the music plays fine. I am using an .ogg file.

    Thanks in advance

  • Little stain this isnt working...

  • Thank you very much ram, that works perfectly.

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