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  • I would love to see the last capx for c2 too.

    Maybe i will join the c3 train later this year.

    Keep up the good work!

    Hi, thx for your continued interest and support!

    I fear that this will not be possible, as the last state (53 or so) is not ready to be released without major commenting and code cleanup. I decided to put the effort in porting and developing the engine to C3.

    If there is enough interest, I may consider backporting the dev state to C2 (tilemaps etc), but it would be a major effort.

    I'm still evaluating what to do with it. Instead of creating a template I'd rather look for devs that want to collaborate and are serious about creating a game that sees the light of day.


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  • Since the save state is a JSON string, you can use the JSON object, locate the score data by parsing the string through the object, and then load the score.

  • I've been porting it to C3:

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  • You have a while loop in the second event that runs infinitely. That is why the C3 runtime never will render the first frame, so you get a black screen.

    Since you don't have any other condition, it basically reads:

    While () : Do stuff.

    I guess your intent was to only add 0.1 to pump while E is pressed.

    In that case try the following:

    Keyboard: Key E is down: Add 0.1 to Pump

    This will at 0.1 to Pump every tick while E is pressed, basically meaning 6.0 per second (since the engine runs at 60 frames per second).

    If you need smaller amounts, either use a smaller value, or add another condition like every 0.1 seconds.

  • to 1) Ok. Be reminded however that this has an impact on sound caching. Sound files in the the sound root folder will be downloaded and cached before the game starts. Sounds in the music folder are downloaded while the game is already running and played when ready. Maybe that was causing the issue.

    to 2) Totally, you can add another animation to the explosive box called "Explode" for example, then put the explosion frames there.

    Then you adjust your event accordingly:

    On player collides with explosive box -> Explosive Box: Change animation to "Explode".

    Then add another event:

    On explosive box animation "Explode" finished: Explosive Box: Destroy

    This should spare you a lot of tedious work.

  • Nice work R0J0hound!

    Seems like your fingers were itchier than mine :D

  • Instead of spawn bullet at object, imagepoint 0, can you try:

    Create bullet at object.imagepointX(0),object.imagepointY(0)

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  • to 1) Can you try with Chrome?

    to 2) No, since you pick precisely one with the collision event, namely the instance the player sprite collides with.

  • Use a rgb(r,g,b) expression to address the parameter then.

  • My take on this would be to store the image information in a tilemap (1x1, 2x2 etc. pixels depending on desired resolution), then go through the whole thing and do bitwise operations on each tile and determine what to put there (e.g, if a "white" tile has "white" neighbor tiles to east, west, south and north direction, this must be an intersection).

    You have to deal with roads that are not complete 90 degrees angles over longer distances though. Several interpolation algorithms can be applied here.

  • Tween (value), set up your tween parameters.

    Then, every tick -> set object variable to object.tween.value

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Colonel Justice

Member since 16 Mar, 2011

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