Colonel Justice's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello again,

    I have question about rendering walls. While using debugger I found that engine creates wall blocks in places where player wouldn't even get like if wall is outside of boundaries it still creates blocks. All time there will be four wall block objects on single primitive object so after quick math my game has already over 2000 objects per layout. So question is simple, Is it possible to make wall blocks be only spawned at moment when "ray" hits object and only in place where it hits??? Something similar to original Wolf3D engine.

    This version of the engine will spawn 4 wall segments per wall block, thus the high count.

    The updated (yet unreleased) algorithm is based on tilemaps and non-rotable blocks, which is much faster, because there's only a few objects per layout to test against.

  • castpixel

    ... and this is rather genious.

  • Once released, I bet you can do it with that:

    (Blatant advertising not intended)

  • Awesome! Are you going to sell the engine?

    Is is possible to add shadows? Depending on the light source?

    This looks promising!

    The template will be for sale in the shop at a reasonable price.

    It will not be possible to add dynamic shadows. For that, we are missing an equivalent to C2‘s paster plugin.

  • Constructenstein 3D

    Due to popular demand, I'm right now working on the updated raycast engine for Construct 3. It's aim will be to let you people create your own raycasting games with Construct. It can do less than Doom, but more than Wolfenstein 3D.

    I've ported most of the features from my first attempt in C2 and heavily focused on usability and performance. The template will be using Freedoom assets under the BSD license as I don't have too much time to create my own from scratch.


    -Optimized 3d raycasting engine that will do all the heavy lifting

    -Easy to use level editing in Construct 3 layout editor

    -Pickups, weapons, ammo, health, keys, etc.


    -Colored fog effect

    -Different enemies

    -Different projectile types (hitscan, rockets, plasma balls, etc.)

    -Difficulty settings

    -Doors, secret areas, touchplates

    -Function library for total engine control

    -Ingame menu overlay

    -Customizable controls

    -Will come with full documentation

    Some ingame impressions

    Editor layout

    Release date: When it's done

    Although it's been a year since the original preview videos on Youtube, stay tuned!


  • Granted

  • > >

    > >

    > > getting this error in latest c2 version on testing.

    > >

    > > also shooting and axe slashing wont deal any damage to enemies. is that normal ?


    > Hi, You get error due somewhat broken mouse or look behavior I have this one too and developer maybe fix it sometime later when he is going to port engine to C2. Right now I think this example is just to make stuff render in Wolf 3D manner. Engine is still early in development. So I think you could just use it for rendering walls and objects while the rest you could make yourself like I did. I hope this answers your questions.

    i am not quite good with this topic, i know C2 quite well for platformers and stuff but thats new..

    would you mind sharing your updated version ?

    Can you share your capx?

    Are you available at the Construct discord channel?

  • Check weltenschmid's fix on the mouselock behavior:

    Aw crap, can it be that posts randomly get deleted? Just posted the solution and a minute later the post was nowhere to see... might be that it suddenly may appear again. My post count is on two but the search just shows one?!? Schräg!

    Okay, got the quick fix. Just saw that they realized it as well in the MouseLock forum section and are working on an update. For us it's simple: Go to the the Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\MouseLock_Ver_0.5 Folder open runtime.js and at line 440 comment or delete the following lines:

    document.pointerLockElement =	/*document.pointerLockElement 	||
    										//commenting out the above line makes this work as intended. Don't know why.
    										document["mozPointerLockElement"]	||
    That does the trick! If you feel like tidying up you can set the MouseLock Object's property to single click and remove the left click event. 
    By the way, the RealDanyyy used the situation to his best and promoted his MouseLock plugin: [url][/url]
    Might be of interest to you?
    So now I feel like tinkering! Cheers! 
    Update: Didn't knew if it was me or was it just an illusion that you had hitting scenes in your screen shoots I thought. So I sought for the source of the missing hit. Don't know why you are setting the bullet's targets at the start of the layout and not at their creation time, but after changing it, the striking and shooting works again! Woot! 
  • I got 6.5% CPU usage and 0.4% GPU usage, running on a Ryzen 7 1700X + GeForce GTX 960.

    The main CPU load is caused by draw calls 4.2%.

    Setting the solids + sprites layer to initially invisible is reducing the draw call load.

  • Would it be possible for you to share a stripped down c3p?


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Does the machine you are running the preview on have a dedicated GPU?

    Rendering workload is else handled by the CPU, explaining also why estimated GPU utilization is unavailable.

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Colonel Justice

Member since 16 Mar, 2011

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