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  • One more feature I'm dreaming about is loading sprites at realtime and edittime.

    Says you just need to specify folder where from to load sequences and prefix for frame count and file extension. Action look for subfolders and creates new animations for each one with name of subfolder. Then for every subfolder it loads amount of frames equal to amount of files. If there is no subfolders then it just loads image into sprite.

    I think it will be very usable for everybody if someone make this. For me it's very needed feature because artists always improves animations and sprites and for now you need to reload it manually every time using image editor.

  • I think the best way is to make new action in plugin "Sprite".

    Says you just need to specify folder where from to load sequences and prefix for frame count and file extension. Action look for subfolders and creates new animations for each one. Then for every subfolder it loads amount of frames equal to amount of files. I think it will be very usable for everybody if someone make this.

    For me it's very needed feature because artists always improves animations and you need every time to reload it manually.

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  • Can you please reupload your exapmle? link not works.

  • What about old games like Torment with prerendered backgrounds of huge sizes? Game itself perfectly runs on low-end computers. How do they manage this?

    The second exapmle is 3d fps games like Crysis. They use HUGE amount of big textures and millions of polygons. Does mipmap system helps with memory dump or something wrong with 2d system?

    How to make something like this, when you need to load 3 images instead of 1? Diffuse, normal and height map.

    to Tokinsom: how level editor can helps to save VRAM? when construct loads level it loads every newly created sprite to VRAM.

  • I'll trying to make reload sprite image at edit time, but can't get it to work

    (it's modified sprite plugin)

    I've made CString variable to save path to image and button which reloads sprite image from disk.

    Function looks like this

    int tex = pEditTime->AddTextureFromFile(spritePath)

    iTexture = pEditTime->AddImageAsTexture(image)


    but does nothing help please))

  • rev2 This scene includes only one bug sprite, nothing else. On adding ANY new object "destroys" Branch sprite


  • Sometimes creating new sprite destroys old one. It becomes invisible and unselectible but appears exists in project explorer. Newly created sprite moves rigidly like with grid snap (it's off).

    I use 0.99.97 version. I had this problem in several projects.

    This is one of them(on adding new sprite dialog_text dissapears). http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6325775/wewe1.cap

    Please help. Project is burning, it have a lot of events and it will be painy to do it from scratch(((

  • Links for downlading not accesiible. Any new version pls!

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Member since 23 Feb, 2011

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