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  • Sorry. I must've read it wrong. I've been working on the Physics engine and all I've figured out is how to reverse gravity by making it negative. I don't know much about this engine, so I couldn't figure out anything else.

  • Assuming you're using the default Platform engine, go to whatever sprite you want to change gravity direction for and click the Platform tab Set Gravity Direction is under Settings.

  • The only problem I see is that the enemy spawn isn't random. The new enemy does have health and does die. Because you create a new enemy, you need to click to a different list and back again when debugging.

    One way to make a random respawn is to simply move the enemy to a random X and Y and refill the health. I don't know how to add image points to a layout, so using a random generator there doesn't help.

    Edit: You may want to work on how the player's bullets interact with the player. I was able to jump and shoot myself. It didn't cause damage, but I can't shoot an enemy below me.

  • No problem. I suggest trying a brighter color or moving Player if you still want bullets to be brighter.

  • I don't know if this was the fix you were hoping for, but I changed it to spawn on Layer 1 (where Player is set) and it worked fine.

    I'm still new to Construct, but I think you're telling it to spawn on Layer 3 and since it can't find Player there, it's just spawning in random areas of the layer. You can move around and the spawn point changes with you.

  • I have noticed that as well. It's easy enough to just scroll through the main tab and look though. I figured it was something they knew about and would fix next update. I'm still new to Construct and have only used the latest version though.

  • Just a bump to say I found out why my animations were freaking out. My hotspots weren't lined up correctly, making Construct not know if I was falling or landing. Having collision set to bounding box was the only thing I needed to do. Thanks, chrisbrobs for telling me about that.

  • I did that as I said in the first post. I did a collision mask for every frame of animation. Once I closed and reopened to mess with later, all the collision masks were cleared for Mario.

    I've even gone through and done it after changing the collision and they still vanished once I restarted Construct.

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  • 1. [s:3dimu5xu]How do I set the collision to bounding box?[/s:3dimu5xu] Never mind did that. It sometimes bugs out after landing though, like it can't decide between falling and standing. Any thoughts on fixing this?

    Edit: I found out how it mostly happens. At the start, I don't know why. While playing if you move while jumping, but stop before falling back down, it'll happen almost every time.

    Would it be better to just have a collider sprite with all the movements and just have the Mario sprite always follow its direction, angle, and animations?

    2. And the floors are set to solid of platform. Do they need to be both?

  • I've been trying to use the built in Platform Engine and it was working fine until I added animations and found out about setting collision masks. I found a video on Youtube to make one mask and share with all the frames of all the animations.

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    I followed the video and upon sharing the masks, all of return to being blank. I've set each frame individually and it worked until I closed Construct and opened it to work on later.

    I can't even start trying to design levels or anything since I fall straight through the ground on start up. I don't know if it's just my computer, me, or the file itself.

    My cap file

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Member since 19 Feb, 2011

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