gamingwolf13's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for watching my videos. Things are a bit slow, so it'll take a while to get more out. I'll also make a platforming AI tutorial as well. I'm also always up for suggestions. I'm new to Construct, but I've used other programs and have programmed from scratch a bit as well.

  • I've made a tutorial for a simple, but effective chasing AI for a top down shooter.

    There is one minor flaw in that the AI gets trapped/lost with tight spaces. If someone knows how to fix it, I'd like to know. If I figure out or am told how to fix it, I'll make a new video showing it.

    I'd also like suggestions for future tutorial videos. I've made tutorials for MMF2 and RPG Maker VX and would like to make more for Construct. I will attempt any request and try to keep it simple so all experience levels can follow along. Figuring things out and making the videos do take time though, so I'm wondering if anyone would even watch them if I made them. I do videos because I'm not good at explaining things in words and tend to go overboard with pictures to show every step anyway.

  • Do you have unbound scrolling checked? That's the only way I could even get it to scroll past the boundaries without knowing how you set it up. If it's not checked (found in Layout Properties), then post the cap so people can see what you did to get an idea of how to fix it.

  • If all else fails, you could try making animations for the different angles. I don't know if it will help, but it's worth a shot.

  • That's what I used in the picture. Have you deleted the animation events? You don't need those since the engine handles that for you. You may also need to delete the Always condition from the angle event.

  • It doesn't work perfectly. Like I said you may need to add some events or something. The main problem is the mysterious landing on his side. Cause him to flip, literally.

    Anyway, here's the pic when editing the angle changing you already have: ... titled.png

  • It's when you're eventing. Edit your 30 degree turn. When you're on the screen to input a number, double click BlueBean on the very bottom, then click the Platform tab and you should see it. If you're still having trouble, I'll add pictures next time to help you out.

  • If the correct one was BlueBeanAdventure, set angle to (Under BlueBean's Platform tab) angle of motion. You also do not need the Always condition. I must warn you that it's not perfect. You'll have to add an event or two to make him face the proper way when aren't on the slope.

    You'll see what I mean if you jump straight up or just barely slip off the edge and he'll still be turned. He also occasionally flips when he first lands on the slope.

    As a side note, the platform engine should handle animations. You don't need to event them yourself. For some reason, he respawns on his side for me and moving from his side makes him fall through the ground. I don't actually see a reason for it though.

  • Oddly enough, it fixed itself once I changed the sprites. I'm assuming it had something to do with hot spots or something. I'll look at it later and find out for sure.

  • I didn't know that. Coming from MMF2, so I'm used to using groups for a lot of things. I forgot you could add events under other events like that in Construct. The chasing is a little odd since they stop chasing at random times, like if you run through them, but I guess that's something in my events.

    Thanks for your help. If you could hint me as to what's causing the random stopping, that would be great. I'm hoping to make it simple for everyone to follow, but I don't know how reasonable that is.

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  • I've done a smart form of AI for a game, but I'm having a problem getting multiple enemies to work properly. One enemy alone works fine, but I want separate enemies to each chase the player if they can see him. Can anyone help me get an enemy to attack when there's more than one on the layout?

    I'd like for an enemy to see the player and attack without making all of them attack. If it's possible with the way I set it up, could someone tell me how?

    Note: This is called a tutorial because I planned to make a tutorial with this until I discovered this bug. If someone can help me fix this, I'll finish the tutorial and release it as soon as I can, unless there's already something like this that I missed in a search.

  • Set the controls to Player 2 (up to 10 as long as you aren't using it), then under the start of layout ignore control. You find that under Sprite > Platform tab.

  • Sorry. I must've read it wrong. I've been working on the Physics engine and all I've figured out is how to reverse gravity by making it negative. I don't know much about this engine, so I couldn't figure out anything else.

  • Assuming you're using the default Platform engine, go to whatever sprite you want to change gravity direction for and click the Platform tab Set Gravity Direction is under Settings.

  • The only problem I see is that the enemy spawn isn't random. The new enemy does have health and does die. Because you create a new enemy, you need to click to a different list and back again when debugging.

    One way to make a random respawn is to simply move the enemy to a random X and Y and refill the health. I don't know how to add image points to a layout, so using a random generator there doesn't help.

    Edit: You may want to work on how the player's bullets interact with the player. I was able to jump and shoot myself. It didn't cause damage, but I can't shoot an enemy below me.