I played with the 2d arrays and realized how time-consuming task it really is. For an example, when I want to initialize the array, I have to set one element to array and repeat until I'm done. It means opening the array entry window, setting indexes, setting value, closing it, re-opening entry window, so on.
Now, that won't be bad if I'm working with small initial data but what if I want to do something big, that'll be very time-consuming task. Also, if the event sheet gets long (with multiple array sets), the construct client will be sluggish slow for me to scroll through it.
I'm wondering if there is an better way to deal with this issue?
--- if not;
It would be nice if there are two versions of the array entry windows - individual or table. Like if I open the array, it'll show the individual (same thing you do now) with the option "Change to Table" (like spreadsheet table) so I can enter data more easily and all at once, and it won't take up a lot rows in the sheet. (Though I imagine that might be problematic with 3d arrays, dunno how to visualize that easy for users. But I'm just working with 2d arrays.) Only suggestion.