One possible solution is to make all the shadows 100% opaque, then move them to their own separate layer and make the layer itself transparent.
It works! Thank you!
Mmmm... ok i will try!
Hello everybody,
i'm trying to simulate shadows on a platform game, and with a tiled background that appear every time there is a platform it's ok, but when a platform is one over an other their shadows opacity are darker because they sum each other. I post a picture that explain better of my bad English:
Is there a way to not sum opacity?
Good! I'll try !
White ninja spawn a sprite (a frame of itself)
I need to add to a sprite this effect? Is there some some plugin effect for it?
I'd like to develope a two players game on same device, but i have a problem with bullets.
On the image the example :
Im using behavior "Wrap" and move x and y on the upper screen but it doesn't work properly...Any help?
Thanks, but i just readed it and i cannot let it works...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
... show it with added some sprites and share button? My idea is when first sprite touch enemy time = 0, then a snapshot is showed for share it to social.
i need someone very good skilled in java language to convert my game to native android app.
Html5 is great but apk is too big and performances are slow.
Contact me to markuzz78 at gmail dot com
I think solved with an easy way:
new variable: "enemycount"
every add score also add 1 to enemycount
if enemycount >= 50 create enemy and set variable "enemycount" to 0
Im not sure... is it correct?
Member since 22 May, 2015