Nope, it's just that when you set the Touch plugin's property "use mouse input" to "yes", the javascript will register events for onmousedown/onmouseup/onmousemouve as well as for the touch events.
But some devices (well, for now I've only seen it on Xperia), catches mouse events as touch events.
So when you touch, the "on Touch start" trigger will trigger twice.
So if you do something like "on touch button" > change layout and you land on another UI with another button at the same place, it will also touch it.
So I basically have to remember to disable "use mouse input" each time I do an export. And I have to admit, I forget very often...
All properties aren't available via events (the "Use mouse input" of the Touch plugin isn't), so no, I can't always use the Is in preview condition to have various configurations. And in my opinion, it shouldn't be the role of the event sheet (it's hard to read enough as it is)
Also my idea of setting different configurations for export or preview could be expanded to set different configurations for the various type of export you can do (html5, arcade, phonegap, cocoon, node, etc) and also the various type of preview (desktop, on LAN,...)