Yann's Recent Forum Activity

  • Mine is over \o/

    It's titled : Walls of Darkness

    little screenshot :

    <img src="http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/wp-content/compo2/62148/5046-shot0.png" border="0">

    Hope you like it

  • I don't know all is always about 3D now

    Thanks anyway

  • there's only 1 level ... I should have put a "thanks for playing the demo" at the end but I got a bit lazy on that one

    yes it was just a demo, you can go to bonus > making of to see what I was planning next.

    I don't think I will go on with this project for now. I have to find a job ...

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  • Thanks (:

    Yes I described this bug on my first post. I don't know why the game crashes, when I run it in debug mode it says it's a sprite.csx bug, on a sprite that have no event, in an event sheet that is totally unrelated. Well. It's not a really big problem since you just have to relaunch the exe.

    The continue is just to skip the cinematic.

    Why do I press F5 every 10min? =D

  • yeah sorry, I had some problem uploading it, so it got corrupted.

    I'm reuploading it.

    It should be available in approximatively 20 min

  • Hi guys, I just got my artschool degree yeeeehaaa with mention \o/ w000t!

    Now I want to share with you the game demo I did.

    if you want to try it, go ahead it's right there :

    Hazardous Intelligence - the demo

    If you're lazy and don't want to play, I made a little trailer

    Hazardous Intelligence - trailer

    If you just want to look at pictures like the one below, you can :D

    Hazardous Intelligence - gallery

    <img src="http://yanngranjon.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/rooftops.jpg" border="0">

    I have some bug I can't do anything about :

    • if you go to the end of the level, you go back to the start menu... that's ok, but if you want to replay, the game crashes.
    • on some computer there're some kind of ugly texture offsetting that can be solved by changing the screen resolution... it seems...
    • you might not see the 3D eye which more or less follow the mouse in the center of the start menu

    Well I want to thanks the construct community, which helped me a lot especially the bunch of idlers who lives on the irc channel and rojo for his help on video integration :D

  • Yeeppeeeeh! That's working �ber fine =)

    Thank you very much for your time. Now I will be able to insert a nice cinematic and I will share this zip with my three schoolmates who use construct too.

    I will probably show all my work soon (my deadline is 2011-06-06 extendable till 2011-06-18 I hope )

    Thanks again o/

  • There seems to be a strange behavior when I try my player on another computer.

    All works fine on my eeepc which runs on windows XP (32bit)

    But when I run it on my home computer which runs on windows 7 (64bit) I get the following error :

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
    File "C:\Documents and Settings\Big S\Local Settings\Temp\ConstructPlayer\py2\win32com\__init__.py", line5, in <module>
    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found[/code:2wt0jfy5]
    I was a bit surprised as I don't know any "Big S"  =)
    Then I tried to bring my own __init__.pyc (from my eeepc... I didn't install python on my home computer) ... there was the same kind of error but with my eeepc path.
    I infered that the path is compiled in the .pyc, I then tried with the corresponding .py 
    Then I get what it seems to be a dependancy error :
    [code:2wt0jfy5]Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
    File "[PATH TO MY __init__.py]", line 5, in <module>
        import win32api, sys, os
    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found[/code:2wt0jfy5]
    I then checked the lib you gave me in the py2.zip , I saw  win32api.pyd, os.pyc, but no sys something.
    I tried to search the corresponding file in my python folder (back on my eeepc) but didn't find anything conclusive.
    As the computers at my school runs on windows 7, I think I need help... again.
  • Thank you rojo =)

  • Hi!

    As my first post in this forum, a little word : construct is awesome, long live consctruct. I'm an old user of mmf2... since I switch to construct I can't go back, it's physiologically impossible <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Well, back to business : I'd like to ask if someone can provide a little handy .zip with the file I need to provide if I want to distribute... Let say that player I did to see where I can go with Rojo's way =)


    I had to use the second way (the Media Player embedded I didn't manage to make the first one work, it was always a blank window), so I guess I have to provide all the ctypes libraries with its dependancies and all or part of the win32com stuff with dependancies too...

    I read the little py2exe quickguide by scidave but it seems a little blurry to me and as I'm nearing dangerously my deadline It would be great to have a little help with that thing =)

    little teaser of my game demo (for motivation purpose <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ):


    (damn it's already a bit old...)

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Member since 31 Dec, 2010

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