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  • I think you won't be able to do that because there's no way the answer to your AJAX calls will happen in the same tick you call them.

    And a loop is supposed to happen in one tick.

    So you should just throw your calls.

    And retrieve them afterward:

    Global variable inc=0
    AJAX: On "call" completed
        -> Array: set value at inc to AJAX.LastData
        -> System: add 1 to inc
    AJAX: On "call" error
        -> Array: set value at inc to "error"
        -> System: add 1 to inc

    Then you just have to read the answer in another loop

    (I never used the AJAX object but reading the Action/Condition/Expression I think it should work)

  • Using set velocity is more accurate I think


  • Ash:

    OK... before doing that I retried exporting the .capx and the sound worked o_o... well... I guess I was just imagining things sorry Ash. False alert (:

  • hu? really? I would prefer a simple Paste Layer, I'm looking into that right now. Just have to retreive the list of what is on the layer and paste them in order.

    If I can't do that I'll try your way (:

    By the way I made canvas work with webGL and also added some other hotspot option (the whole 9 basic ones)

    I'll look into this paste layer thingy and PM the plugin to r0j0 so he can make a proper new release if what I did look ok to him (:

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  • There's probably something that makes your monster move other than that

    If you use the method above you don't need any behavior so you can start by deleting them for your monster.

  • PhysicsGravity.capx

    Gravity is a dark force

  • vidi




    Just reset the falling and harmfull boolean to their start values

    Plus some stuff to keep the rotation in control

  • Caer

    I think you just did (:

  • Rojo

    Would it be possible to be able to paste a Layer ?

    I'd like that for 2 reasons :

    1/ As there's no families yet, you have to list a bunch of sprite to paste by event. If we could paste a layer you would just need to group your pastable/not pastable sprite by layers

    2/ If you have some zSorting, you would need to know each time what is in front of what and do the pasting in the proper sequence. If you paste the layer it should be automatic.

    Also, I'm looking for a way to implement the drawGL function in the plugin but I can only generate black texture v__v (my game is a bit slow without webGL)

    Anyway, I don't think I thanked you for this plugin so thanks (:

  • By "new array" I don't really understand but if by "new property" you mean a new property in the property panel... I don't think it's possible.

    But I have a bad habit to be wrong these days.

  • Also you can have something like

    Global Variable goPrev = 0
    KeyBoard: On ESC pressed
        -> System: set goPrev to 1
    Touch: On Sprite touched
        -> System: set goPrev to 1
    System: goPrev equal 1
        -> System: go to previous layout
        -> System: set goPrev to 0

    goPrev would work as the "simulation" trigger you were mentionning