Step 1 to get more viewers: get good graphics (first impression is everything)
Step 2: advertise your game EVERYWHERE
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Step 3: profit!
Been happening to me for a couple of releases, but the torrents work just fine
I'm not getting it anymore. It appeared once, I closed it, and never saw it again
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
It's currently impossible with only one text object. I would love this feature too
I have a health bar example on the arcade, it might help you (remember you can download the .capx)
C2 crashed on me and I lost a bunch of progress (it's like it knows when I forget to save)
Wished we had more than just a week :/ Good luck to those who finished, I'll try to finish mine later
Can you create a countdown with the correct time? I don't want to miss it
Example: (create one here)
if i resize to 40x40 in c2, is it wasting memory or does c2 actually only use the resized smaller graphic?
Yes, construct will load the full-res image to memory. You don't need to make a sprite 1000x1000 if the end sprite will be resized to 40x40. Just make sure it is at least as big as size you want in game.
BFXR is pretty popular (I even stopped using it because every game I play uses it and I got sick of 8-bits sounds :P)
To contribute to the thread, I'll leave this here
[day 1] Still not sure where I'm going with this, but I made something:
<img src="" border="0" />
<font color=#aaa>(sorry for crappy gif)</font>
Jam will be started every : month
You have full : month
Themes you suggest : if first one is october, I suggest halloween
*insert obligatory "like dis if u cry evry time" here*
Aw just now I found out about this >: Will try to make something though (:
Member since 15 Dec, 2010