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  • Thanks to everyone that replied with the feedback! I wasn't sure if I was going to continue this project but the positive reception has definitely made me re-think my decision.

    I agree that one more weapon type should be plenty, although I haven't decided if I want it to be offensive or add some defensive elements to it. I'm definitely going to include more enemy types or at the very least have more complex patterns you must weave through, though I will also make the controls tighter if i do that since they are deliberately clumsy to add effect.

    Any other suggestions are welcome. Should I have more than just the sperm theme? I was thinking for the second gameplay type maybe some kind of alien or zombie invasion (think space invaders but you are controlling the invaders, but instead of flying in space they're maybe walking down a street "Thriller" style ) where in the sperm levels you try to cause as many children to be spawned (twins, triplets, octo-mom?) that would provide more creatures (or hit points in a sense) for the following invasion level. That may be a bit much though...

    A friend of mine suggested having controllable key shifts, or having splits in the path that would change the music with each new path, though both of these would be tricky as I don't know how to accomplish either.

    Anyway, thanks again!

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    (currently only uses X-Box 360 controller, but am trying to add keyboard controls without conflicts)

    I've been working on a little experiment that, while I realize the subject matter is a little bizarre, it fit the spirit of the gameplay at the time so the sperm getting to the egg theme is the current one I'm going with.

    I'd like some input on whether I should make it more complex or if I should simplify it as I don't want to get too far along and have to go back and change a bunch. It's also very much a work in progress, the second test level is only half converted, the timing is off on some things, not to mention there's no goal yet or any system of progression.

    Any ideas on what I should do with it or if it's even any good in the first place? I don't know if I should ditch the theme (such as removing the shooting element all together and having some other method of implementing instrument control) or if I should make it more abstract music visualizer or more game with music taking a backseat. Any input is welcome

  • Thank you very much for the help. That seemed to get things under control. I just added the object cave2, however, and as soon as I set the events to it it's causing the program to immediately close. I don't even know if it has to do with that sprite but I can't find what would be causing it. Any ideas?

    Solved: Nvm. Event #24 had an "OR" condition that Construct didn't like I guess. I'm not sure how the engine defines the events like "OR" and "While"

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  • Hi, sorry to be asking multiple questions, but I've been running into some slowdown issues as my game continues to run. I'm not sure if because I'm creating more sprites (every 100ms) than are being destroyed that is slowly bringing the FPS down, or if it's because of collision checks of PV checks or what. It could be because of effects as well, I'm not sure.

    I also have been trying to solve a glitch where if you die then it gives you the choice to abort or retry, but if you press any of the keys/buttons while you're playing the game, it seems to remember that you pressed that key and automatically chooses that associated option at the on-death menu.

    Lastly, I've set it to where the A key or the Left Trigger on the 360 controller causes the time scale to temporarily drop, but I'm wondering how holding the S key or the Right Trigger will cause everything to accelerate to a faster max speed while the key/trigger is being held, and then decelerate back once it's released.

    Here's the cap:

    If anyone has and solutions for these I would greatly appreciate the help

  • Hi, I'm trying to create a basic music sequencer that can later be expanded into a game or some other kind of application. I am having issues with the Xaudio2 plugin, as it won't play the samples assigned to the beats when the marker passes over them.

    I'm not sure if this is because it's used in other layouts with other sounds or what, but I would think that shouldn't interfere with these.

    I also have other questions about how to make this as I am not mathematically minded at all nor do I have a solid grasp on the logic of how to set up events. I'm assuming my events are extremely inefficient for what I'm trying to do. If someone could provide some info or show me a better way that isn't too math heavy through events on how to do the following I would greatly appreciate it. If not I just need to solve the sound playing issue for now however.

    • Have different samples assigned to each channel and have them play when the marker passes over a colored beat
    • Have the marker wrap back around to the other side without it causing any pause in between to maintain smooth loop
    • Have an object respond to the peak levels of only part of the sound (like the kick drum) rather than all of the sounds playing at once.

    Thank you in advance!

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Member since 30 Nov, 2010

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