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  • Thanks Rojohound. It's always the simplest things eh? Good to know as well that the image point isn't automatically created, like in MMF

  • In this wee exercise, I've noticed if numerous fireballs hit the alien at the same time, some of the explosions appear in the top left corner rather than at the position of the alien plus a random perturbation. You can see this for yourself if you accelerate towards the alien firing.

    Anyone have an idea why this is happening? And any clue how to fix it?

    WSAD to move, left click to fire fireballs.


  • These examples are pretty awesome, but it can be quite tricky trying to decipher uncommented code with all the values and functions written in a typeface your computer doesn't support.

    I take it no particularly charitable Cyrillic users wish to translate? ������ and ��������� ����� � ����...?

  • Augh, I am such a fool!

    Sorry guys, just worked out the problem. The tileset was performing the if action on the wrong array, and the scaling was very easy to fix, it needed to be Array1.Value(loop1x*4 - loop2x, loop1y*4- loop2y).

  • Right, I've changed it all to for loops, and its still not iterating over the array properly... I have changed the preview image and the .cap file.

  • It's pretty simple. Use different layouts for the different levels and your title screen. You can then make event sheets which can be called upon on different layouts.

    As for the rest of your questions, I'd recommend checking out that Platform School set of tutorials that Deadeye made a while backhere

  • I suppose I could do it that way...I was just wondering why a simpler way I had created which looped over the smaller array and for each of its cells, populating 16 cells in the larger array with the value in the small array cell wasn't working.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15091348/code.png" border="0" />

    Was hoping for less lines of code, and hopefully less values needing to be stored.

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  • Hi there,

    I'm currently working on an asteroid exploration game, and I'm using cellular automata with arrays to create procedural cave systems.

    I'm having difficulty though scaling an array. What I would like to do is a low resolution pass with my algorithm, then copy that data to a larger array in which the algorithm would then be applied to smooth things out a little, but my solution doesn't seem to be working.

    So, basically, I want to take this data in one array




    and turn it in to this data in another array













    You can find the .cap file here

    Is this another time when Construct can't decide whether 0 or 1 is the first number?

  • Thanks R0J0hound , that solved everything

    Newt, I tried that originally, but ironically the layout editor slowed down immensely

    EDIT: Just tried it with a 32 x 32 and the IDE has stopped lagging.

  • I'm presently making a platform game, one which has a lot of tiled background objects.

    I seem to have reached a limit in the number used. If I try to run the game as it stands, it works fine, but if I add just one more object, the directx application doesn't run, saying "An unexpected error occurred"

    The IDE itself doesn't crash, but the game doesn't run.

    I will post this bug to bugtracker, but has anyone else experienced this? Am I overlooking something?

    The file can be found here.


    NOTE: the version here has one too many background objects. Remove one, and everything will work fine.

  • Very very nice wee game.

    Are you going to have resolution change options? It just saves having to either peer in to the screen or go out and manually dial the display down.

  • Thanks R0J0hound, that's cleared all the problems up.

    Why did the state of the global variable change the number of records though?

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