TheDom it doesnt haver those aimer-dots
How do I make an Angry Birds slingshot? But with the slinshot not visible and with those aimer-dots
alextro thank you
I would just like unbiased feedback about my graphics, and suggestions would be nice...
Would you be looking to collab with a friend and I?
Hi! I'm starting a team to help work on a couple games I've been working on. I'm looking for two graphic designers. (Email me a
CBelle I mean game money
So the shop I have is just buying skins for the player, I have all the frames for the skins done, but how do i make the player buy and selsct a skin. That will be saved and available when they play again?
fm4fanAT What if I have it on say 10 computers? I'm trying to see if I can share with my siblings...
When you first buy construct, it download a file that you input into the free edition you have. Is it possible to use the same file for multiple computers? Will this mess things up?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Ayolabi12345 find your answer here ... 7YPza?dl=0
Ayolabi12345 find your answer here ... 7YPza?dl=0
this link does not work.
Member since 13 May, 2015