I'll be asleep by then (it's 12:30AM here now) but I'll be sure to have a look in the morning
I want to see, because your graphics are quite stunning - so seeing it motion is really going to be cool
Wow! Past midnight? Where do you live?
And wow again - thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. No PR/asslicking. To be honest I was very worried will other people find this attractive. I mean, I have a very umm, "specific" taste of visuals. Many of things I find beautiful - other people see as disturbing or creepy. I was afraid (And I still am) that this odd ball might push off many people.
As of the video - sadly it doesn't look as good as I hope for it to be. My PC is 7 years old and its graphic card is at dying point. So I couldn't record it in Full HD, 1920x1080 resolution. Had to downres it to 1024/576 in order to get that 60FPS. At 1080p it become a slideshow. I mean, only when recording. When playing in fullscreen, even on garbage PC, I rarely see any drop below 60 FPS. Plus the video was made in hurry.
I am not really aiming for fame at this point, because I am still far away from finishing the game. Just wanted some feedback and motivation. There is nothing more depressing than working on something that no one else knows about.
You know what? Ah screw that. I'll send you the link right now. But don't share it around. Not yet. Too soon.
Take it as a "thank you", for your kind words and support =)