I did try a bunch of
combinations with server and client. The issue is the myserver.Pump() command in the new layout to which I'm switching for sure. If I put that in a try/except block, the popup error goes away, though I still cannot communicate between server and client any more.
The error message in particular is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string", line 1 in <module>
File "PodSixNet\Server.pyc", line 39, in Pump
File "asyncore.pyc", line 143, in poll
File "asyncore.pyc", line 80, in read
File "PodSixNet\Channel.pyc", line 52 in handle_error
File "asyncore.pyc", line 470, in handle_error
File "PodSixNet\Channel.pyc", line 59, in handle_close
File "<string", line 28, in Close
File "<string>", line 6769, in_getattr_
File "<string>", line 6782, in _getitem_
The function Network_disconnected under the client also runs when this happens, so I guess somehow the connection is being lost or cut.
Also, is there no way to not even acknowledge incoming connections after I've gotten one player connected? I'm not sure it's ideal to have the server bother processing new incoming connections and sending error messages back. It'll work if that's the only way but I'd rather not even acknowledge any more connection attempts after a player has connected.