Michiyo's Recent Forum Activity

  • After over an hour of fiddling around I'm completely stumped. Setting speed towards a planet does not work if you have to add speed for left and right controls as well. The physics behavior doesn't check collision unless you use physics movement also. I'm starting to think this isn't possible.

  • I've been trying to make a planetary gravity platformer without much success. I've tried the platformer behavior (of course that wouldn't work), then the physics behavior with many issues. Can someone run me through a method to get this to work?

  • The preview and exported project will think the DirectX update is installed if they can find D3DX9_39.DLL in the system path or the same directory as their EXE. The preview EXE is in a hidden temp directory "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Scirra". Copy that dll to that directory and it should work.

    Alright, I'll try that out. Thanks.

  • [quote:2q4s55si]What happens when you try to run the cap? Also, can you export a project to exe?

    Sorry for the late replies, but when I run the cap it just asks me to install directX like normally. And I'm pretty sure I can export an .exe.

  • The way I would do it is find what DLLs Construct needs with a program like Dependency Walker and include them in the same directory as Construct. In reality only a few of the listed DLLs need to be included as most of them come with a windows installation.

    I'm also pretty sure that including the DLL files is not enough to run Construct. You may also need to add some registry keys so Construct thinks it's installed. You can get the necessary keys from a computer that you already installed Construct on by exporting the registry directory "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Construct" to a .reg file and running the file before you run Construct.

    I haven't tried this myself because all my computers already have construct installed.

    Durrr, sorry. I forgot to mention I'm able to run construct since I got the .dll files it asked me to get, but I'm still not able to run games from it. That may have to do with the registry though.

  • I'll try it out. What would I package into an .exe though? The DirectX files with construct? Sounds sketchy.

  • I was just wondering if it were possible to install construct onto a portable storage allowing you to be able to use it without installing those directX libraries. I would like to use construct at school in my programming class but I don't have administrative privileges install those directX components.

  • I agree. My CPU usage goes up to about 50% when I'm running the game. I was surprised it even worked with that many. I could easily use half as many/twice as big sprites I wanted to make the terrain destroyable when a bullet hits one of the sprites. And that's exactly what I meant in my first post with deleting objects offscreen and re-creating them and things like that. Thanks, and another thanks for the quick reply. I'll try this out.

  • Well It didn't seem like it had culling to me because I have a game with 50000+ sprites in the area, I added a machine gun, and whenever I shoot it it starts to lag. I flew out so that there were no objects on the screen and it didn't help. So I wasn't sure whether there's culling or not. When I made it so there were only around 10000 objects in the area it was fine.

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  • Is it possible to do some sort of manual offscreen culling for sprites? I've tried a bunch of things and it's not really working.



    The perlin noise was definitely exactly what I wanted. I remember doing the same thing in C++ a few years back. I didn't think it would be this easy. The procedural animation was also probably the coolest thing I've seen done in construct. Thanks a lot man, I finally have motivation to continue my game! Yay!


    I'm planning on creating large cave systems for my game, and my method was to make an array of objects and make them invisible if the noise is low enough, but to satisfy the size I want the caves to be I would have to have tons of objects in an array. Right now I have an array of 30x15ish and if you look at the image below, it's way too small. Is there some other method of doing it that doesn't involve having hundreds/thousands of objects in an array?

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  • I was wondering if you guys knew anything about procedurally generating things in Construct such as dungeons and caves. I feel like I have a good enough grasp on Construct to do it but I don't know much about how such things work. If someone knows how, please enlighten me.

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Member since 11 Sep, 2010

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