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  • no i cant speak russian, but this is so hard to solve this problem?

    No, it's just the fact that what you're trying to achieve is really really simple and you should check out tutorials or something because it will help you in more ways than just that. But since you said you don't understand them, a person wouldn't know what to do. Try and focus on the tutorials. All I can say is that you should try to understand them, possibly look for video tutorials.

  • dl.dropbox.com/u/1487524/Scirra/Birds.cap

    here you go. I have added comments as to what was going on.

    I would also recommend you investigate the physics behaviour some more, particularly the gravity and ways to toggle that off and on when the birds get hit.

    Awesome, other than the crashing, it works great, thanks man.

    + Sprite2: Value 'active' Equal to 1

    + Sprite2: On collision between Sprite2 and Blue

    -> Blue: Set 'active' to 1

    This also got rid of the crashing. It's perfect now and I'll definitely use this method in the future.

    The core of the game is pretty much finished now thanks to you guys. I have a few features to add and it'll be done. Yay!

  • http://www.mediafire.com/?gitp6ab339lp4uo

    Here you go. Good luck. I tried to redo it but got the same results.

  • So I'm making a game where you have a rock shooting cannon and you hit birds with rocks.

    -Once a rock hits a bird, it's physics are enabled and it falls

    -Once a bird hits a bird, it's physics are also enabled which will be what triggers combos

    -The birds fly across the screen at random Y locations


    Before I hit a bird with a rock and 2 birds collide, they will both fall. I only want a bird to effect another bird after it has been hit with a rock.

    I've tried fixing this by giving a private variable to a bird, making it true once a rock hits it, and checks if the bird is being hit by another bird with the property as true, but to check a private variable of an object only checks it's own private variable, not the private variable of another object.

    I hope that makes sense, I'm really lost here. I'll upload the .cap if anyone needs it.

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  • I chose iPhone and iPod Touch because I want to make money. I can make a very simple game and put it on the apple store, if it sells I can make some extra cash. The XNA/PSN one was my second choice.

  • That's not what I meant. I'm talking about explosion physics effecting the objects around it. Not particles.

  • I was wondering if someone could make an "Explosion" behavior with variables such as distance in pixels, explosion power, etc. It would be much easier than using vectors and stuff.

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Member since 11 Sep, 2010

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