teedgareen's Recent Forum Activity

  • Problem solved- I was using internet explorer browser to open windows dev centre. I used Edge and am able to see it now.

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  • Hello, I have created a new app title in the dashboard of Windows dev Centre, enabled Xbox live services and changed the app to a game under properties. The problem I have is that I am unable to see Title ID, SCID and Sandbox ID after enabling Xbox live services. According to all of the documentation I have been reading for days is that it should be there under the Xbox live service tab. Has anyone been through this? Any help would be appreciated.


  • I have the same problem. I had sound a few days ago and now nothing. I upgraded to version 257.3 (originally on Version 250 when sound was working fine and then dropped out so tried upgrade) and still no sound. I have reinstalled chrome with no success. The sound works in Edge and internet explorer.

  • Hello, I am having the same problem. What exactly did you do to these lines of code? Did you change them or delete them?


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Member since 4 May, 2015

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