<center><img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36472942/construct/wymhm/wymhm.png" border="0">
<font size="5">in June 2013</font></center>
<center><img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36472942/construct/wymhm/C2logo32.png" border="0"></center>
New releases
The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)
<font size="4">Be sure to keep updated to the most recent release of Construct 2</font>
New third part plugins/behaviors
Blog articles
As an added bonus, here are the links to the former "What you may have missed" topics.
firebelly: It would be nice if you could edit and maintain a correct link and explanation/documentation of the plugin in the first post of the topic, as well as edit the title to add the "[Plugin]" prefix.
Confirmed in Chrome for android (Android 4.2.2) but not in FF (22.0) for android where it works directly as expected.
Be sure to read this tutorial as well as this one.
Your report is missing a capx and basically all the informations of the template when you clicked the "New topic" button
b]Link to .capx file (required!):
http:// Steps to reproduce: 1. 2. 3. Observed result: Expected result: Browsers affected: Chrome: yes/no Firefox: yes/no Internet Explorer: yes/no Operating system & service pack: Construct 2 version: edited><editID>Kyatric</editID><editDate>2013-06-29 04:19:36</editDate></edited>
Steps to reproduce:
Observed result:
Expected result:
Browsers affected:
Chrome: yes/no
Firefox: yes/no
Internet Explorer: yes/no
Operating system & service pack:
Construct 2 version:
edited><editID>Kyatric</editID><editDate>2013-06-29 04:19:36</editDate></edited>
Out of curiosity why exactly do you need Top-Center ?
Wouldn't the BBoxTop expression something you could use ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Like, directly from C2 I doubt it.
Nevertheless, Ludei's CocoonJS should be a good way to do so.
And C2 has already an export towards cocoonJS built in. For the export/port on OUYA, the ball is in Ludei's camp.
It's not a bug, it's by design.
You can't have a movement angle if you don't have a speed to this movement.
EncryptedCow: using a "wait 0 sec" action is always a bad idea and should be a "do not" when using C2.
Iamagamer - http://iamagamer.ca/ - July 12 - July 14.
Focused on having games with female protagonist.
Orange Ninja Touch
I'll check out path finding, is it resource intensive calling the function every time and attempting to recalculate the paths?
Yes, you don't won't to be recalculating your obstacle map/course every tick.
But if you delay it "smartly" (like once a few seconds and not for all your instances at once) I think it can do the trick.
WebGL effects ?
Using different frames for your sprite ?
I don't really understand your issue, could you give a better description of what is it you're trying to do exactly ?
Member since 18 Aug, 2010
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