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  • Cocoon is a rip off anyway. They only let you do 2 games of 50mb then you have to pay. They also disable the delete project buttons so you can't update or start new ones without paying. You can't even delete your account without contacting them. Fuck cocoon.

  • Cocoon is a rip off anyway. They only let you do 2 games of 50mb then you have to pay. They also disable the delete project buttons so you can't update or start new ones without paying. You can't even delete your account without contacting them. Fuck cocoon.

    I did it!!! You have to grab and drop this c2addon file into the fUCKING Construct 2 window to install it. Who the Hell thought of that with no instructions what so ever?!!! lol

    I need a link to the real plugin download cause the ones on here are not working. All I get is some webfile. I need the real plugin files.

    OK how do you install greenworks? That the main problem I think. I downloaded it (One File) and copied it to the Construct 2 plugins folder like any other plugin. But it will not show up on my Construct 2. I'm licenced and fully updated.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    Wow thanks so much. I'll start working on it right away. If I have a problem I'll PM you.

    Thank God you answered me! It so hard to find any help on this topic. My games been green lite for steam and getting launched in 6 days. I downloaded the plugin. Put it in the folder with the other plugins, did all the steps up to the end when then just say run the app. What app? Greenworks? or Construct 2? Where do you edit the game to recognised the steam achievements? so many questions I know lol

    How to do you start the app. It might be simple to anyone who know this stuff already but with no screen shots I have know idea what it even looks like or how it operates.

  • This was a big waste of money. The code is super messy and explains nothing. Don't even think of changing anything in it ether or the whole thing go's to glitch town. Plus no refunds on Scirra store. I put this so called "Template" in the best place possible. The trash bin.

  • Yes I've read the tutorials and set the setting to every combination.

    -First layer loader layout-

    -Use loader layout yes-

    -Loader style- "tried them all"

    My games very big and has 8 sec load time before game starts.

    Shows default load bar but never shows my custom titled layout only black screen.

    Ran layout to make sure title background was viable and shows fine.

    So what is the problem?

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Member since 28 Apr, 2015

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