A little search brings up THIS post. Deadeye redid parts 1-5, plus you can get all the old ones which can still be a little useful.
There is an option to 'reload images from disk'.
Obviously, this would only apply if you have saved to a project folder rather than a .capx, as the capx is zipped.
Here's the section of the manual dealing with this.
Point to R75 for me.
This has already been posted, and fixed, by Ashley. Original post is HERE.
At least try to check before posting :)
Doesn't Windows have some options that can help such as increasing font size for all windows etc?
That would only work in C2.
Use: global('score')
It would probably be useful for you to look at the Example and Tutorials post that has many good examples. Find it HERE.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
A VERY quick and simple way to get you going is just to click on the main sprite in the layout (Spieler), then in the Properties bar on the left, change the 'Collision' property to bounding box.
Azu (and anyone else who's interested).
Deadeye started a new thread HERE that contains his remade lessons 1-5 as well as his old lessons.
Not really that hard to find using search :)
I can confirm this.
HERE is a .capx to try to export if needed.
*** EDIT ***
Actually, you don't need my .capx as the example that comes with the installation - 'Families.capx' - also crashes on export.
Mipey created a Tetris clone in CC in 2009. Original thread is HERE with download. You can open this in CC and it should help you re-create it in C2.
Nice - works fine. Now to try families :)
Member since 30 Jun, 2010