Tube's Recent Forum Activity

  • We have been making a TON of progress, and I don't think I could spam the boards any harder, so I've created a website and a chatroom to post our progress on. The website is here.

    I've set up an IRC channel on, in channel #voidrunner. Those of you unfamiliar with IRC can use this link to get to it.

    All future progress will be discussed and/or shown in these two locations, I will refrain from posting in this thread anymore save to answer questions.

    Somehow I've missed this thread up until now. That video's fascinating, the way the ship's constructed, etc. Also you're talking about air scrubbers. Was any inspiration taken from the game Space Station 13?

  • Seems stable! Thanks for getting this one out

    If this is pushed out for auto-update, how will that affect people who were using the newer version of the physics, though? (This doesn't affect me, but I am curious)

  • Did you set it up as a DirectX game, or as an application? I've seen that before in applications, but never in a game.

  • If you have any interest in developing games professionally, especially on consoles, it's basically mandatory to learn C++.

    If you want to make independent games for the PC (or the 360!), or develop a skillset to be a professional non-games programmer, or whatever, learn C#. You can always learn the nitty-gritty of C++ later if you feel the need, and by the time that rolls around, who knows, the whole games industry could have changed.

    Alternately, if you want to make some decent money, go learn Java and make games for Android phones. That's a huge emerging market right now.

  • This sort of thing seems to crop up a lot when you duplicate layouts. I'm going to hazard a guess that there's an obscure bug there.

  • Well, there's a whole card game object, which does all the basic card shuffling and drawing functions; that would be a good start.

  • Saved arrays aren't exactly human-readable. I mean, text is, but numbers are kept as hex-values. Most people won't bother, I'd guess.

    If you're very worried, something as simple as subtracting them from an arbitrarily large number might work well.

  • For once, I'd like something in Construct to be actually as easy as it seems.

    This one probably IS actually as easy as it seems

    Which high score table did you find on the forums? I've seen at least one, but I don't recall it working the way you're describing it, with a submit button and all. (It doesn't matter really; this is mostly for my own curiosity)

    In any case, you can check for the length of a string; something like len(EditBox.Text) might suit you well here (assuming you're using an EditBox), and simply not do anything with it if the length is equal to 0.

    As for the submit button vs. enter key issue, there's nothing stopping you from using a MouseKeyboard object to redirect the enter key. By setting the value in your high score table to left(EditBox.Text, len(EditBox.Text) - 1) when you're doing this via the enter key, you should be able to strip out the extraneous newline that would be attached to it otherwise.

    Arrays are just a collection of values, which are referenced by number. For a 1-dimensional array (an array in which only one of X, Y, or Z is greater than 1 - and this is almost always X for ease of use), think of it like a row of numbers. For example, let's say you had an array of dimensions 6,1,1. Somehow it has values assigned to it of (10, 1000, 45, 23, 9999, 2). You ask the array to return the value at position 3, and it returns "45". It's basically just counting through the list.

    For a 2-dimensional array (one in which 2 of X,Y,Z are greater than 1 - almost always just X and Y) think of it like a grid, or a chess board, or something. You ask for a value at (4,5), and it counts 4 spaces over and 5 spaces down and tells you what number's sitting in that space.

    A 3-dimensional array's just a stack of those grids or chess boards, and the Z value picks which board.

    Arrays are especially convenient, because you can simply save their current set of values to a file any time you like. Or, you can load to the array from a file, as needed. For a high score table, I'd recommend saving immediately after getting the new score on the list, and loading the array whenever you load the game (make it a global object).

    Does this answer everything?

  • I threw together a little something. It'll take some work on your end to get it going, but I think you should find it easy to adapt. Primarily, just resize the boxes (probably MUCH larger for the ones that check where you've been, and much smaller for the ones on the map), and you should have most of what you want. But you'll probably also want to make the squares on the map into sprites so they look a little different (try separate animation frames for each possible map square, and I think you'll probably be alright).

    It's got a strange little bug where it occasionally doesn't register a visit to a particular area. This should be solved by larger boxes, as I believe it's to do with hitting multiple new boxes in a single frame.

  • Just a quick proof of concept of a mini-map of sorts that fills in "areas" on a map as they're visited.

  • The Something Awful Forums had a month-long game development competition in July, and the top 10 games (out of 40 awesome entries) are presently being voted on. If you're a member of the SA forums, go vote. If you're not, at least take the opportunity to go play some cool indie games.

    At least 2 of the top 10 were made in Construct (P.I.G.S. and RefleX), if that influences any votes ... id=3337307

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  • it is not global.Value('indexlevel') it should be this global('indexlevel')

    because when you put a " . " at the end of a global you are in indicating that it is an object.

    I am assuming that you don't have an object named global at all and you are trying to use global Variables from the picture.

    Holy crap, that was a serious brain-fart. I knew better than that. That's why I shouldn't stay up until 4 am working on things, thanks.

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