Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm calling a function with parameters from an external XML file. As such, all values returned are strings. Is there a way to determine if the retrieved value is a string or a number, then convert it accordingly using str() or int()?

  • If you want total control over your save data and save files, you would use a combination of Dictionaries and/or Arrays, and Local Storage. My current project has 3 save slots I am in total control of, can get or write to any part of them at any time, with copy/delete functionality as well. If this is what you're looking for, I suggest not using Construct's built-in save functionality. Far as I'm concerned that's just for debugging.

  • Discmach You'll find the "camera" that sets scroll x and scroll y in eRoomSystem event 4.

    At the end of those expressions, add a shake parameter (i.e. a value that randomly chooses a number between -8 and 8 and gradually evens out to 0.)

    'Unbounded Scrolling' is already enabled. The camera boundaries are defined in the expressions mentioned above.

  • Bump. I believe the "light sabers to my eyes" comment was the most accurate.

  • Jumping on the bandwagon to say the new website colors are absolutely jarring. Neon green and orange backed by white...I cannot view the new site without a dark reader plugin.

    It's not up for debate...there have been many threads on this already. Everyone agrees. Please listen to your users, Scirra. At the very least just darken the green and orange...there is far too little contrast.

  • Bump.

  • Hey Just purchased!

    I'm looking to retrofit this to my current game. I have 2 questions:

    • How do I link this up with my current controls?
    • How would I go about adding an additional control to the list?


    1) This kit consolidates gamepad and keyboard inputs so that you don't have to use conditions for both and have a bunch of duplicate code. They are not limited to this kit at all, and the consolidation is completely optional.

    So instead of...

    +Keycode "Right" is down :  Action
    +Gamepad Button "Right" is Down : Action[/code:scelrlop]
    You can simply do...
    [code:scelrlop]Data.Input Key "I_Right" is 2 : Action[/code:scelrlop] 
    ...which checks for both keyboard and gamepad inputs in a single condition. 1 is pressed, 2 is down, 0 is released.
    As for adding new inputs...
    1) Go to events 18 and 19 and add "K_NewInput" and "G_NewInput" to those action lists, along with default keycodes (you can google which key is what)
    2) Go to event 105 and add new gamepad buttons if necessary. Currently there are 15 gamepad inputs to set the button icon to so the next one will be 16 and so on (look at the parameters in the action)
    3) Go to event 152 (the "Inputs" group) and copy paste a block and modify it as needed to consolidate the new input.
    Again, the input consolidation is completely optional. I just prefer to do it this way to prevent duplicate code, but it can be a bit complicated to grasp at first.
  • I love that C3 has a proper dark theme, but I am not fond of the stylistic alterations that come with it. I would like a dark theme that retains all the styling of the default theme, but with the dark palette. I don't have the time or patience to do it all myself. PM or reply here for ETA and cost.

  • Oh...I've been using the desktop build of C3 but my in-game NW.js window scaling and Fullscreen options don't work. I assumed it was some variation of the browser version's popup window. Will play with it more and see if a bug report is needed..

  • Will there be a NW.js preview option soon? The last thread on this is a year old. It is needed to test things using the plugin such as window scaling. There is no way to adjust the window size without it.

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  • So I went back into Construct 2 for the first time in a while today, and thought I'd finally crack open this game engine. I updated C2 and got the latest revision of Cave Runner, but trying to run it gives me the error in the attached screenshot.

    That error is due to a long-standing bug with the NW.js plugin. It's only used for the window scaling which isn't pertinent to the kit so you can go ahead and delete it from the project.

  • Are auto-saves and backups the exact same thing in C3?

    In C2 you can have the project periodically save itself, sure, but you can also set the amount of backups to keep, and set a directory to keep them in. They are created until the amount set is reached, at which point they start overwriting themselves. It's nice cause you have a sort of version history you can keep up with in case something goes wrong, and you can set the backup directory to whatever you want.

    With the following settings:

    all I get is a single ._autosave._c3p in the same directory as my project, regardless of choosing "Same Location" or "Dropbox". Is this the intended behavior?

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