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  • Ashley Every time an event sheet is closed and reopened, all the adjustments revert to default. Is it possible for C3 to memorize them?

    Better yet, is it possible to make the adjustments global for all event sheets? Even in C2 I was constantly making changes because each sheet was would be really nice if I could just do it once and have it apply to all event sheets and be remembered next time I reopen one or open the project.

  • Yeah I figured it was a security thing. There are a number of subtle accommodations C3 has for this. I've been meaning to check out the desktop build for subversion control anyway so that works Thanks.

  • Ashley Is it not possible to just have a standard window to preview our games on? Like C2 and everything else?

    -Popup Window has a URL bar at the top which isn't accounted for when calculating the size of the window borders, therefore my windows are never the right size or position. It's also a bit of an eyesore. I could check if the game is in preview and then add 16px or whatever it is to the window height but it'd be cool if we could just not have the URL bar there.

    -Dialog does not have the URL bar and is therefore the correct size and position, but you can't minimize, maximize, or unfocus the window.

    -Browser tab is, well, a browser tab.

  • NetOne Thank you for the comments. No, no smoke and mirrors We were always proud of the work we did on Copy Girl but it had some fundamental issues we needed to resolve. After expanding the team a little bit we decided the best thing to do is rebuild CG from the ground up with everything we learned and create a more original title..more than a glorified Megaman clone. Things were going very well but, y'know, life gets in the way. We're all looking forward to getting back to it but it may be a while still.

  • NetOne We decided to remake it from the ground up with a stronger identity and more unique gameplay, then we got too busy with other things. It's currently on hiatus. 7Soul might be willing to go into more detail there.

  • In C2 you use "Import frames from file" to import all the frames from a .gif. In C3 this only imports the first frame. Is this a bug or can you not import .gifs anymore?

  • Options Game Kit — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Options Game Kit is a comprehensive options/settings menu with savable data that you can easily add to your own game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Window Scaling (1x-4x)
    • Display Modes (Windowed or FullScreen)
    • Music Volume Adjustment (0-100)
    • SFX Volume Adjustment (0-100)
    • Keyboard Configuration
    • Gamepad Configuration
    • Save Data
    • GUI with key names, gamepad button icons, and adjustable menus

    <h3>Notes</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Clean and organized project structure
    • No 3rd party addons

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Options Game Kit

  • JouBqa Yeah that's one downside to having the rooms right next to each other and on the same layout. "Is not on-screen" is probably killing the player in the beginning because it doesn't exist on the first tick - it has to be created at the position of the Player_Spawn object first. So to use that you would have to check if it exists first.

  • JouBqa Did you try this one?

  • JouBqa The worms have a simple "patrol" behavior to walk back and forth on platforms. To have them work on ceilings you'd not only need to reverse the gravity but change the y collision offsets to negative values and probably their hotspots too. There is a "Metroid Zoomer Behavior" .capx on the forums somewhere that can have them scale walls, floors, and ceilings alike if that's what you're going for. A quick search should bring it up. Hope that helps!

  • Why is GameRooms layout size 10,10? I want to have bullets destroy when they leave the layout (so the player can also shoot 3 bullets at a time) so 10, 10 wont do as they would destroy instantly. Should I just change the layout size to the size of game map?

    edit: Destroying Projectile when its not on-screen instead of when it's not on layout worked for the bullet limit

    The layout is 10,10 because I have "Unbounded Scrolling" enabled, making the layout size irrelevant. You will have to check if objects are off-screen instead of outside the layout like you said, though.

    Haven't been able to use Construct in a long while and I'm having some trouble remembering stuff. Anyone more experienced with this want to give a step-by-step on how to make a new map + minimap with this? I was able to edit the GameRoom map but I'm not sure about all the steps you need to take when starting from scratch...

    Edit: So this is what I got this far: Add roomgrid to Grid layer, background to background layer, tiles to their layers, door left and right, roomzone to roomzone layer. This seemed to work. Do I need to add controller menu and controlle rooms and on what layer? Then I drew the new room on the minimap. Am I missing anything or is that it?

    Yep, that's it. A new room is nothing more than a roomzone and a minimap tile. You only need 1 room_controller - it just stores and handles the room transition variables and such. The controller_menu does the same, but you need 1 per menu.

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  • Greetings...

    I have some quick questions about your kit. Let's go...

    1 - I see in the video an option to change the character armor. This system is inside of th kit?

    2 - About the room and the map hud: If I make a room, I have to make manually the same room in the map hud?

    3 - The kit looks awesome, and make a good motivation to buy with the Construct 2. But after the release of the Construct 3, you want ot make your current kit compartible with Construct 3 or make a whole new, updated kit only for Construct 3? (Asking, because I have no problem to export, but can be nice to have your opinion as develeper of your kit)


    1- Yes. The armor is an upgrade that protects the player from lava, changes his accent colors from orange to red, adds an item tab in the sub-screen, and is included in the save data so you don't lose it and so the item doesn't show up again after being collected.

    2- Yes the minimap is built in a separate layout. It only takes a few seconds to add a new room and you can put icons or text or other extras in it too.

    3- The game kit should be 100% compatible with Construct 3 already!

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