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  • There's a number of ways to have the clouds infinitely scroll.

    1. You can make them tiled background objects, and use image offset (could take up a good bit of VRAM though)

    2. Use ScrollXleft or ScrollxRight and reposition the clouds when they go off-screen. If the cloud's hotspot is in the middle, then something like this:

    +Cloud.x < ScrollXLeft-(cloud.width/2)

    -Set Cloud position to: ScrollXRight+random(n), 0+random(windowheight)

    3. Use the wrap behavior (that might only work well with single-screen levels or small layouts)

  • Tools, maybe? Anyway, you can use the window object to hide a window, but I don't think you can hide a specific window using it's title or whatever.

  • ^ This.

    It looks like there would be 5 layers used here, but you can probably get away with just using 2. Just be conscious of each object's z order. If you make the clouds auto scroll, just move the larger ones quicker and the smaller ones slower. No need to make a ton of layers just for that!

  • Again, you need to put the HUD in the window border, not the layout border. The position it's at now keeps it way off-screen. Scroll to the top of the layout, and put the HUD right above that line (around 527,432) and you'll see what I mean.

  • Theeeen I have no idea. Post a .cap?

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  • Make sure the HUD is near the top left, inside the outline that shows the window size.

    I dunno about the private variable error. I guess you can just restart Construct.

  • Whipped this up in a few minutes.

    Random Two-Name Generator

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  • Ok I've decided to just go with the window object. I'm not entirely sure, but I think you can get around the blurry graphics by messing with your videocard settings, or atleast bring it to a minimum which at this point is good enough.

    So I've got everything regarding window scaling figured out, but what about full-screen?

    Using the window object's "maximize" works nicely, but my game's res is 128x112 so you can only imagine how bad it looks on a widescreen monitor. Is there any way I can add pillarboxing/windowboxing or something?

    We seriously need some tutorials on this stuff..

  • :T No luck. Int() seems to have the exact same effect as round().

  • ..Unless there's some other way of using the window object so graphics don't get blurry. It doesn't happen for me, so I can't mess around with it and try to find something.

    Are you sure it's not just some videocard setting that makes the graphics blurry, and not the videocard itself?

  • Personally I don't use the zoom method, it's too hacky for me. What was your problem with the window object?

    I don't like using it either..however, using the window object results in blurry graphics on most videocards. It's not THAT big of a deal with high resolution games, but I'm using a tiny res here and I don't want to s*** on my graphics

  • 14mb is nothing for a full game, sure, but again I just started this game a couple of weeks ago; there aren't many graphics in it, and what is there is *tiny*.

    I use a level editor, and intend to paste loaded tiles to a rather large canvas before deleting them, so that canvas itself is going to take up a good chunk of VRAM. I might even use 2. What I'm getting at is by the time all of the graphics and everything have been added, I'll probably have ~50mb VRAM without any window scaling. With this method of window scaling, VRAM will be soaring into the hundreds.

    Sorry, but I don't know what you mean about the pillarboxes. All I'm doing is increasing display resolution, layout size, and zoom rates, then setting the scroll X/Y. There are no pillar boxes, just a larger window.

    I just tried using MagiCam's zoom instead of System Zoom. I thought that would keep the VRAM from increasing, but it only helps a little bit; I get 9mb instead of 14. Odd.

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